Stopping development on Google Notebook

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:30 PM

At Google, we're constantly working to innovate and improve our products so people can easily find and manage information. At times though, we have to decide where to focus our efforts and which technologies we expect will yield the most benefit to users in the long run.

Starting next week, we plan to stop active development on Google Notebook. This means we'll no longer be adding features or offer Notebook for new users. But don't fret, we'll continue to maintain service for those of you who've already signed up. As part of this plan, however, we will no longer support the Notebook Extension, but as always users who have already signed up will continue to have access to their data via the web interface at

If you haven't used Notebook in the past, we invite you to explore the other Google products that offer Notebook-like functionality. Here are a few examples, all of which are being actively improved and should meet your needs:
  • SearchWiki - We recently launched a feature on Search that will let you re-rank, comment, and personalize your search results. This is useful when you've found some results on Google Search that were really perfect for your query. You can read about how to use SearchWiki in this blog post.
  • Google Docs - If you're trying to jot down some quick notes, or create a document that you can share with others, check out Google Docs.
  • Tasks in Gmail - For a lightweight way to generate a todo list or keep track of things, we recently launched Tasks in Gmail Labs.
  • Google Bookmarks - For a tool that can help you remember web pages that you liked and access them easily, take a look at Google Bookmarks. You can even add labels to your bookmarks to better organize and revisit them.
While it's hard for us to make this announcement we believe it's the right decision for our users in the long run. And we're excited about all the new ideas we have for Docs, SearchWiki, Bookmarks and other products.

UPDATE, January 22.
Since this post went up, we've received lots of feedback. In particular, many of you seem concerned about what will happen to the information and data you've already put into Notebook. So we'd like to reiterate and clarify a few things.

First, since we're maintaining the service via, every single notebook and all the existing features of the web interface will still be available. Those of you that already use the web interface should see no change in how the product behaves. Second, we guarantee that you will always have access to and control of your notebooks; we completely appreciate the effort and knowledge that your data represents and are committed to making sure you don't lose it. Finally, if you're looking for a way to easily export your information out of the product, the feature already exists. In the upper right corner of the web interface, under the "Tools" menu, there are two export options: "Export to Google Docs", and "Export as HTML".

We hope this addresses some of your concerns. Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions.


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freakface said...

Just adding my voice to the chorus of "amen"s. I have been forced to use Zoho as my notebook for newer projects, but as I still use my Google Notebooks for many things, and I really wish Google would resurrect this product. I prefer Google Apps to Zoho, and the simplicity and "it just works" of GN over ZN.

Rk said...

Bring this back ...i loved this for the web clippings.

cpt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cpt said...

For those of you still using Google Notebook, I just wanted to know if the service is still reliable (I mean, are your notes and other links functioning optimally?) I wanted to increase my usage of Notebook, but needed to check before doing that.


cpt said...

Google really needs to reconsider their decision about Notebook. I had created a Notebook account years back, but started using it fervently a few months back for my research project. I dont think GDocs or tasks come anywhere close to replacing Google Notebook. And being a Google loyalist, no other product Evernote / Zoho suits my palate.

While I continue to use Notebook now, I do have my apprehensions about its reliability and other things since there is no active development happening.

Google...please consider reactivating this product and u will certainly add to the happiness on this earth!!!!!!!

bezeek said...

I hate to see Notebooks dying off like this, knowing how lacking Docs is in performing the tasks that Notebooks was designed for.

If any of you amazing Google devs are still reading this, I would love to see some of Notebooks' functionality recreated inside Docs, in the form of a "notebook."

A notebook could be like a document in nature, but offer an editor more like Notebooks does. Another notebook-like feature to include would be import/export tools to do things like clip articles from websites by URL or with the help of an extension, or to send that fragmented rant that you've been nurturing over to Blogger for publishing.

People clearly still care about using Notebooks to accomplish certain tasks - show us some love, yo!

Julio Cesar Maia said...

Quer encontrar centenas de notebooks? Acesse:

AW4KEN said...

PLEASE BRING BACK SUPPORT FOR GOOGLE NOTEBOOK, I just recently discovered this product and I just absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

itobe said...

the notebook website is not working on my samsung galaxy s with android 2.3.3 :-(

maybe google has some freetime after the awesome g+ project to start a notebook remake or development relaunch :-D

Anonymous said...

Is there ANYONE FROM GOOGLE (hello? are you listening?) that can give all of us gNotebook users a roadmap/status update? A simple [A] we're going to continue development (yay), [B] it's going to stay as is now, no new development but we're not taking it down (liveable), or [C] in one (or two) year(s) from now there will be no more gNotebook (bad bad bad). PLEASE Google, let us know.

Junaid said...


I have not found any other note program that works as well from the web or mobile access as this one.

Google Docs comes no where near the functionality of Google Notebook from a UI, speed or search point of view.


Junaid said...

The more work we do (and I still do a lot of writing in Google Notebook), the more anxious we get that our data will disappear.

Even though Google says it will keep our data safe and secure, any project that loses active status is a bit perilous from a use point of view. But I can't find another note tool like this one...I've tried many including all the popular ones like Evernote, etc.

Please keep this great project going!!!!!!!

StarWorld said...

I could not access my notebook data since this week, all I got was 502 error, I am afraid my data loss now...

Darren said...

@StarWorld did you try the normal things like clearing your browser cache and deleting all your cookies. Also accessing notebook from a different computer? All I can tell you is that my notebooks are still accessible at the moment.

Maurito said...

Google Notebook I do not need anything else. But it is a really useful service. I use very often, every day!.
It is an excellent idea to have left the service available to people who use them.
Anyway progress is that the systems evolve and are integrated, so I agree with the idea of ​​innovation.

K said...

What a pity... one of the best google tools and is discontinued.

Google docs is not so useful for web-age like Notebook!

Consider the come back of GNotebook!!

. said...

I still use Google notebook everyday, and I must say that it is one of the most useful tools I use, by far.

Please consider coming back to Google notebook, since the other google alternatives dont work quite as well as this one for note taking.

Im also afraid that some day Google may discontinue Google Notebook, and all of my precious data will be gone. I just would like to have some more guarantees.

pilpi said...

Lately, google notebook has started failing for no obvious reason. When organizing notes in a notebook onder headings, all of the sudden *all* the headings get emptied out and moved to the bottom, and all the notes that were organized under them get randomly ordered above them, losing all organization.

I guess the lack of maintenance is showing. The promise in the above post about still being able to use the data meaningfully is starting to prove untrue.

There is no option in the market for Google notebook. All the other options on the market are either totally unfit (all of the google products suggested) or so clumsy in their UI that they are useless (Zoho, EverNote, UberNote). So I am completely stuck. The only hope is , though it is not public yet and I kinda wish they would integrate with EverNote to be able to plug in on their mobile etc. services.

AK said...

I *STILL* use Google Notebook! I am a very heavy user of Gmail and Google Calendar, and sometimes use Google Docs. Most other Google apps are not interesting to me. But Gmail and Docs are excellent. I signed up to Google Notebook when it came out, didn't use it much first. But now, long after it is discontinued, I use it more and more! It is so much better than Evernote. That Google dropped one of its best thought-out apps is just insane and they completely lost me here.

E=Ng^2 said...

So, I suppose all that talk about our notebooks being safe and always available and respecting the time and work we'd invested in their use was just a lie? This, combined with Chrome's increasingly "We're Google--we can do whatever we want" functionality, is edging me closer to abandoning Google completely. I, years ago, was initially hesitant to begin using Google's products. Really, the tipping point was that there weren't many alternatives to the services that Google was providing. THAT IS NO LONGER TRUE, GOOGLE! You would do well to remember that!

jkirk1626 said...

The Tools command "Export to Google Docs" does not work. It has not ever worked in the several years I've tried it, checking back periodically to see if it were just a temporary glitch.

Attempting to Export to Google Docs always yields this error: "Server Error Please try again later."

Cherie said...

Notebook is not working well anymore. A new note always starts when you click a section. When you want to edit a section, it pushes your written section further down the page, leaving an empty space that cannot be edited...looks like a lot of empty images. Is anyone else having this problem?

Cannibal Corpse said...

It´s always the same [place excrement synonym here].

The most promising and useful stuff always get ditched in favour of another "Buzz".

It was a light way to keep simple information without having to create stupid documents on google docs.

Quite honestly, I´m ditching all of Google[place excrement synonym here] one of these days.

Pity, because I have supported Google since the very beginning and believed in it´s project to a free web for all.

Now, only money counts. So [place mating ritual synonym here] it. Plenty of internet around.

Tara said...

It was mean to stop new users using notebook, it was a great little app that offered a really simple way that I could access my notes from anywhere. I usually use it on my DSi because it doesn't have any note apps. I'm not sure how I stumbled across it but I'm glad I did. It was the best notes app I've ever used and if it was promoted better or even at all it probably would still be running today. Google may be able to write complex code, arrays and logarithms but they don't know a good app when they choose to stop supporting it.

Leo said...

It´s hard to understand why Google chooses to stop a product so simple and usefull. Isn´t the same Google Docs (I use it a lot, but for docs it´s great, for notes sucks!).
Please, we really need good information about what´s gonna happen with notebook. I read that you gonna close it, but there is not information in the official blog.

WinСовет said...

Верните блокнот, он нужен нам!

Alan Rick said...

2 years on, it's about to be closed finally and the content dumped to google docs.

joyousjam said...

I guess we knew this would be the final outcome! I used Google Notebook extensively, but now have saved all my notes in other formats. I have barely used Google Docs which has always seemed a tiresome service. I suppose I may have to look at it again.
I am finding now that there are only a few Google services that are useful - Gmail, Google Search and Google books, to some extent Google Sites, though there are other good free online site builders, are now the only things I use regularly. May be being 77 means I am out of touch with what is useful, but I'm not sure I am all that much out of step!!!
Joy Lumsden

jonesd said...

Still using notebook! it is an awesome product that fills a need perfectly that none of your other products do. Can't for the life of me figure out why you cancelled development on it.

It's better than anything else out there still!!!

Maskun Ramli said...

Please Google.... dont close this notebook. I just started using it for my study. I can't find any other products that could match this Google Notebooks.

Please..... dont close it.

spacegoat said...

"Saddened by the loss of Notebooks"

It is not lost. Just share a note with any user with a google account and they will be granted access.

The only thing that is lost is further development. Since the app is good as it is, well nothing a all has been lost.

ozdergecko said...

Can someone from google update us please? in 2009, when npotebooks went out of active development, they said it will be available for existing users "forever".
Now reports keep coming that they intend to shut it down despite this promis and will dump the content to google docs.
I would like to add to the many positive feedbacks here in this forum: notebooks has been perfectly meeting my needs for years now and i would shed quite some tears if it weren't there any longer ;-)

Anders said...



akshay.aksci said...

just read google's actually closing the google notebook service!

this can't be! its one of my most used services and google docs can't beat its simplicity and interface!

this is so sad. didn't expect this to happen after larry's take over. :(

バース・クリス said...

Wonder where Raj Krishnan is now... (Project manager for Google Notebook)

I still use notebook. I still leave a comment here at least once a year asking for continued notebook support.

I have tried zoho.
I have tried evernote.
I have tried ... haha... docs.

I'm sad to hear that they are pulling the plug. It is within their rights but it does not endear me further to them. I do not like waiting for docs to load. I do not like that docs open in a new page from the 'launch' page instead of being more lightweight.

Can't Google just toss notebook over as docs lite?

Darren said...

I'm with バース・クリス

I am still watching with disbelief as one of the best tools to come out of Google is slowly dying.

I too tried the competition and didn't like them e.g. search was missing, or they didn't work nicely.

I still use notebook on a daily basis .. I hope it keeps going even in its present form

Sisyphus said...

Agreed. Evernote seems to be the best of the alternatives. BUT it's not as good as Google Notebook in many ways. Why Google is sacrificing this great product is quite beyond me. Daft and shortsighted decision. Google Docs, despite what Google pretends, is no substitute at all.

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Anonymous said...

Please bring it back!

admin said...

actully GOOgle dude sitting in california on superfast latest comp. and fastest internet seems to have forgetten you the trouble faced by commmen mens ;try loading your 'wow' google docs on mobile (not your expensive iphone/android but on some basic J2me phone like of sony/nokia on some shity GPRs plan which provide a 30KBPS cap even on 3G (india)) ;these shitty stupid ideas ruins the internet ; for me fgoogle docs is just as fast as my internet connection which is very slow and google docs have no mobile version and we all dont have a iphone or nexus

now if u disable that we are left with no option but with using alternative(writing and saving in draft or using yahoo notepad ) ofcourse it wil accopanied by cursing your stanford ass

iqorek said...

Please bring the Notebook back!

António Santos said...

Hello. If you think that Google should bring Notebook back, go to and vote on my proposal.

ugug said...

Google Notebook is a great product and unreplacable by the other products mentioned. Fancy add-ons and colours are nice, but we cannot find the ease of use and indexing functionality (two level is enough we got used to it) in any other product. This ease of use and speed cannot be accomplished by the others.

I would personally pay monthly for google docs. We want it, please keep it...!

Michael Reyes said...

I've tried all the alternatives I could find and they aren't even close. I just want to go to a notebook paste or type something short in. No "create a note, name a note" all that slow junk. Google Notebook is better beyond comparison to everything else for speed and ease of organization. I will find no even remotely decent alternative. Really wish it would stick around.

バース・クリス said...

Google Notebook says it's shutting down November 11th, 2011. It was my number 3 favorite Google service. (Search, Gmail, Notebook, and Reader.) I'll probably switch to my Zoho account but I wish Notebook was sticking around.

Anyone know of something lighter than Zoho that uses Google Authorization, Microsoft Passport, or Yahoo? (Facebook is blocked) I'm looking for something that I type a URL (about as simple as and I'm taken immediately (no user:pass) to my most recent note with auto saving. Search and some organization features would be nice but it's more important to me that it's simple and fast. I have a Linux web-server so I'm open to FOSS options too.

Documents is WAY too bloated for a Notebook replacement.

I guess this is my last post here. When I find a replacement I'm happy with I'll post it to G+.

aleksey said...

Second, we guarantee that you will always have access to and control of your notebooks; we completely appreciate the effort and knowledge that your data represents and are committed to making sure you don't lose it.
completely lies

Hugo_Pt said...

My google notebook says now that Google notebook will be shut down soon and my notebooks will be automatically exported to Google Docs as from November 11th 2011 (which is today!!): "O Bloco de Notas da Google será encerrado brevemente. Os seus Blocos de Notas serão exportados automaticamente para o Google Docs a partir de 11 de Novembro de 2011."

What I like in Google Notebook: the ability of creating multiple notebooks; the ability of easily creating multiple sections inside a notebook, easily moving or ordering them, and especially jump to each of them very easily by clicking on its name in the left pane, where all notebooks and notebook sections are listed.

Do you people know of any Notebook alternative with the same features I just mentioned? And is it possible to export all my Google notebooks to that alternative application, preserving the notebook organization by sections?

Please help me urgently as I fear that tomorrow, November 12th, I'll loose the access to my Google notebooks –in contrast to what Google had assured just weeks before– and then it'll be too late to export anything!

Darren said...


Export all of you google notebooks as xml atom format. You can do that using the information provided here :-

If you can wait a week or so I will be putting a clone of google notebook on the web for people to use. You will be able to import your xml atom notebooks there.

I will post to this list when I am done.

The domain for the project will be ...



Anonymous said...

Google's excuse for ending Notebook is:
"We loved working on Notebook, but sometimes we have to make the hard decision to focus more of our efforts on products and technologies that will yield the most benefit to users in the long run."
Given that Google stopped working on Notebook back in 2008, that's obviously a lie. Does anyone know the real reason they are stopping Notebook?

Anonymous said...

Is Google the new Microsoft?

magnee said...


Your clone will be like the miracle cure to the stage 4 cancer that will kill in a few weeks time. Please make the clone available.

Thanks so much.

MH said...

That's sad.

Notebook is a very good application.

This one you should have kept.

Actually it would make sense to incorporate Notebook into Google Docs.

Hugo_Pt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hugo_Pt said...

Thank you for your support. I couldn't follow the instructions provided at the page you linked to, namely in what concerns to the DownThemAll procedure, starting from this point: «After clicking on "Export notebooks", right-click and select "DownThemAll!"(...) etc.». What happened was that, typing 'nbid' in the fast filtering box, does not select any of the links.
But I installed the GreaseMonkey extension and the script for it. Then, after going to my Google Notebook page, and replacing https by http in the address bar, I could see the link "Export notebooks" to the right of the search box. I clicked it, which opened a page showing a list of download links, including a link for each of my 2 notebooks. Clicking the link corresponding to each of my notebooks allowed me to save a .xml file in my PC for each of them. I ignored the 2 other links: 'Favorites' and 'Mobile notes'.

Have I done this right? Because the instructions page said that: «This script requires Firefox, Greasemonkey extension and a download manager like DownThemAll(...)». But I ended up not using DownThemAll and it didn't seem required at all.

Well, today is November 13th and I still can access my Google notebooks page, apparently it has not been shut down just yet, in spite of the threatening warning that appears on top of page! Hope it stays this way a little longer, maybe until the end of the month?

CrazyIvan27 said...

It's stupid to close Notebook.
If Google don't want to develop it more than just leave it as it is now! It work perfect and it have view and edit of a note(file) something that stupid Google docs does not have. & said...

Simple is Power, like the water can't replace by juice. I don't think google document is great than google notebook.

給叔 said...

I don't think google document is great than google notebook.++++++++++111111111
Hope come back

Stefan said...

Google Team, what are your alternatives to your Notebook? GDocs, even interesting, doesn't provide any meaningful way to collect the bits and pieces of information we, the users, found in day to day interactions with online content, in the same manner Notebook did. I think you are going the same way Lotus Notes did. You are creating a concept, and then refining it to the point of dissolution. Go back to reality! Not all docs are notes, and not all notes are docs.

Hugo_Pt said...

I recently found that Microsoft also has a online notebook application, it is called OneNote Web App. For those of you who have a hotmail/Windows Live account, login and go to Skydrive. There you could create a new Word document, an Excel spreadsheet, a Powerpoint presentation or a new OneNote notebook. From what I've seen, I think this one might be a good alternative to Google Notebook. It is far better than Yahoo Notepad. Anyone here has tried it? I'd like some feedback.
It would be good if Google followed Microsoft's example and integrated Google Notebook in Google Docs, rather than discard it.

Scrapbook in the Cloud said...

There is a group on LinkedIn now to discuss all cloud-based notebooks. It will also help us with member to member messaging if desired. The group url is

Please join this group if online notebooks are a topic of interest to you. We can all benefit from each other's ideas and thoughts.

Darren said...


I made a partial replacement for google notebook. You can access it here:-

You can import your google notebooks in XML atom format.

Its still quite beta, so please feedback about issues / bugs.



valjok said...

Disabiling the edit you have made very good decision: people cannot use the service and moreover: they cannot export it manually!

For manual export you must to remember which sings have been exported and which are yet to be exported. The most natural way is to mark exported items by deleting them. Now, you have disabled this capability to force people out. Thank you very much!

TLIbson said...

How incredibly ironic. The only "cloud" application I use for collecting and storing documents is Notebook, using the Firefox clip extension.

Now Google has announced that they are shutting down my other every-single-day application, Google Desktop, because "everyone" is storing their files in the cloud!

So I'm losing my best tool for finding files locally at the same as I'm getting booted from the cloud, by Google!

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cizzle said...

I think it's time to bring notebook back. The "cloud" needs a solid single focus tool like notebook. Google Docs is too complex and cumbersome. Allowing Googlers to have a platform for quickly jotting down notes or ideas seems to hold to the foundations behind Google's start: simple and efficient.

I strongly urge Google to bring Google Notebook back. Fast and simpler then before.

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mariela - minijuegos said...

Stephen - minijuegos
Yeah, another bummed person here.
Use it every day. Great tool and located at exactly the right place in my browser

Liz P said...

@ClippingNote - excellent! Many thanks for Just importing from Google Notebook - it looks as it you have cloned Google Notebook very well :-)

Marc Ugolini said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pjpw said...

Why is that I can find no information at all on the Internet about this including nothing on the ClippingNote website?

It's starting to look and smell more and more like a scam.

Marc Ugolini said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liz P said...

@ClippingNote Hi - Why are you not publicising more widely?

It does make me uneasy that, with so many people here and elsewhere bemoaning the loss of Google Notebook, that it remains a best-kept secret.

Best wishes,

Ezequiel Santos said...

Please Google, don't stop with Google Notebook. There is nothing like in the internet. The other google services are different. Reativate, please!!!

Stan Nefarius said...

Would not have been so bad had Google not stolen the patents from Jimmy Hamilton, the real patent holder and developer of this program's software.

sonya said...

these days we seem to be losing too many add on options withing the big names...I have a sad story about hotmail calendar...anyway don't despair sign up (free if wished) to a dedicated note, calendar, diary etc application like Evernote. Guys, it is just fabulous AND there is an option for you to import your notes from Google Notebook...cheers sonya

Kambrian said...

I'm missing google notebook. Upto now every replacement solution sucks. Evernote sucks. ClippingNote is buggy. NoteInReader has been shut down. Come on google........!!!!!!!!

locak2001 said...

I very like notegoogle /this good service /fully anh frendly

คนหลังเขา said...

I thank you for knowladge good

Wald Holm said...

This time evernote have builed a data central in China. It makes me worried about my privacy. I thougt of Google Notebook. But it has been shut down now. So sorry.

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