Stopping development on Google Notebook

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:30 PM

At Google, we're constantly working to innovate and improve our products so people can easily find and manage information. At times though, we have to decide where to focus our efforts and which technologies we expect will yield the most benefit to users in the long run.

Starting next week, we plan to stop active development on Google Notebook. This means we'll no longer be adding features or offer Notebook for new users. But don't fret, we'll continue to maintain service for those of you who've already signed up. As part of this plan, however, we will no longer support the Notebook Extension, but as always users who have already signed up will continue to have access to their data via the web interface at

If you haven't used Notebook in the past, we invite you to explore the other Google products that offer Notebook-like functionality. Here are a few examples, all of which are being actively improved and should meet your needs:
  • SearchWiki - We recently launched a feature on Search that will let you re-rank, comment, and personalize your search results. This is useful when you've found some results on Google Search that were really perfect for your query. You can read about how to use SearchWiki in this blog post.
  • Google Docs - If you're trying to jot down some quick notes, or create a document that you can share with others, check out Google Docs.
  • Tasks in Gmail - For a lightweight way to generate a todo list or keep track of things, we recently launched Tasks in Gmail Labs.
  • Google Bookmarks - For a tool that can help you remember web pages that you liked and access them easily, take a look at Google Bookmarks. You can even add labels to your bookmarks to better organize and revisit them.
While it's hard for us to make this announcement we believe it's the right decision for our users in the long run. And we're excited about all the new ideas we have for Docs, SearchWiki, Bookmarks and other products.

UPDATE, January 22.
Since this post went up, we've received lots of feedback. In particular, many of you seem concerned about what will happen to the information and data you've already put into Notebook. So we'd like to reiterate and clarify a few things.

First, since we're maintaining the service via, every single notebook and all the existing features of the web interface will still be available. Those of you that already use the web interface should see no change in how the product behaves. Second, we guarantee that you will always have access to and control of your notebooks; we completely appreciate the effort and knowledge that your data represents and are committed to making sure you don't lose it. Finally, if you're looking for a way to easily export your information out of the product, the feature already exists. In the upper right corner of the web interface, under the "Tools" menu, there are two export options: "Export to Google Docs", and "Export as HTML".

We hope this addresses some of your concerns. Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions.


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mariastoat said...

Unable to load user data.

ME said...

I wanted to sign up for this feature, and I watched a video about how to use it, ready to get to work with it...and no I can't! I am not sure what every other person that already had notebook is complaining about their fine..It's people like me, the new guy that wants to use it but can't. The other google features just aren't the same. Please reconsider.

Harun Şahiner said...

yazık olmuş :(

Emily said...

PLEASE NEVER SHUT THIS OFF!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!! I use this all the time.

Unknown said...

Why don't you add a notebook type of functionality to gmail that can be used to jot quick notes? Something like what Outlook does

Amidala said...

I wish Google will continue Google Notebook. I use it a lot. It's very useful for busy people like me as I can go back to my bookmarks anytime and anywhere. I treat it as my virtual personal notebook. I also like the idea of being able to organize your bookmarks with your personal notes with it. I really wish Google doesn't stop developing it.

Amidala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amidala said...

Please continue Google Notebook. I like being able to access my bookmarks anytime including being able to access it from my mobile phone. It's cool.

James said...

I'm late to this because I've only just discovered notebook. Then even more recently discovered it's at an end.

Shame because I was just starting to use it and finding it way better than doc's, buzz, wave and tasks for keeping a "notebook". In fact it was the tool that Google does that I've been most impressed with so far! Irony.

Unknown said...

Everytime I use Google Notebook I realise how great it was as an app, a general dropping point for the info that didn't go anywhere else stored on Googles data cloud. Why did you stop development on it ?

Sedan2 said...

Firefox and Google notebook worked perfect together. I updated to FF 3.6 and lost this perfect connection now it's fragmented.

I'm too quick to update I will be more cautious in the future. I'm using a more clumsy Evernote now.

and so it goes.

Regards Sedan

Alex Rosenblum said...

i am a huge fan of Google Notebook - i wish it had a great Chrome extension to go with it, im always looking to jot down quick notes or copy and past things iu read online - i usually end up using the sticky on my dashboard, but G Notepad makes so much more sense - PLEASE DONT KILL IT - EVER - make it better and maybe make some syncing with G Docs or get the export tool to actually work


Unknown said...

I'm still so sad about this - BUT I continue to use it on a daily basis on all my film research projects. I know it has a ton of flaws but...I can relate. Anyway - continue to ask my colleagues to sign on and use it whenever I start a new project and they seem to be able to get on. What other options are there????

Lars Warnken said...

I'm sad that the developements are stopped. But I#m looking forward to the new developements of Handy software.

Ryan said...

There are some bugs to make this usable on the iPad, you can add sections but not new notes it seems. It would be cool if they patched it or had an app like this but I won't hold my breath. I never used clippings but I thought it was a cool way to store ideas.

Unknown said...

Google says we will always be able to export our notebooks to Google Docs, but in truth this function is no longer available.

Looks like they're going to shut it down a little bit at a time.

Unknown said...

google notebook is the one of the best features on the google products, probably the only one I use. keeps me organized and great for keeping notes... i think its a big mistake to remove from the google page....I think if people were aware of its feature it would be very popular....think again.

Rajiv said...

Notebook is and will remain one of the most most useful application around, no other app can replace it. I am a big user of Notebook.

It was extremely frustrating to hear that it's not going to improved further. Was wondering from quite some time why the new features are not being added to one of my favourite app, but then came to know about this sad news of the late.

Google has completely lost its mind.

Xakov said...

Pleassse.... Continue with google notebook... There're not any app with its characteristics.... pleasseee

ezuall said...

Just rediscovered google notebook, not sure when I signed up but I seem to be able to use it just fine.

I'm going to use it despite the discontinued development. I trust a half-finished google product more than the actively developed alternatives which seem to just not quite cut it yet. Things may change in future.

Is the source being released? That way the community could pick this up, there seems to be more than enough momentum for this.

sallyblog said...

really liked this product and used it heavily, and havent found a really good alternative. Please bring it back as an active extension. I don't understand why it was canned without a functional replacement.

ron said...

Notebook is way better than Tasks.. and it's way better than Docs for the purpose it serves.

Canceling Notebook was a bad idea. Please bring it back.

Unknown said...

I read your blog very impressed seen this kind of important information’s. Really am interested to back to your blog again to gather some more information’s.

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Kathy C said...

Wow..backwards step...I was getting into GTD and tried everything I could find to work with google apps, and none really satisfied...recently started a trial of OneNote, using on outlook plugin for google apps etc, but wishing I could do it all in Google Apps...just ran across mentions of Google all excited only to find that it's been discontinued?? What the heck??

Dan Nicula said...

It was sad to discover that Google Notebook is no longer supported! As I have a knowledge base to manage, I searched for an alternative, and I have found Evernote, which is a quite nice service and it has a public API.

MKR said...

I've been slowly warming to the idea of using Wave for notes, but still find it cumbersome to manually copy notes from pages to a wave.

Usama said...

Please can we have Google Notebook product on going ... it was absolutely fantastic

eduk said...

Bad idea. I use it every day.
Please think about it

~*¨`*.~*¨*.¸¸.~*¨`*. said...

I haven't been able to export my notebooks to Docs! Please help!!! I've emailed Support several times, with no response.
I understand that you're no longer supporting it (though I'm really sad about it), but not supporting our moving on to Docs would more than disappointing-- it would be irresponsible.

Unknown said...

Just want you to know, as a heavy google user (I run several businesses using gmail, docs, notebook, sites, calendar, etc), I've spent the last six months using your other products for my note taking needs, seeing if I could do without google notebook.

I wish you would reconsider maintaining this great service! I love to be able to organize my thoughts in notebooks instead of in documents. The ability to work with the information in that context, re-organize from an "outline" level, is very powerful and something that docs cannot easily replicate. You can organize the information, easily toggle back and forth between notes and notebooks. It helps me organize the big picture, to be able to see all the elements at once.

The weakness of notebook is that it doesn't save past versions of your notes, like docs does. So if you delete something important and need to add it back again, you're out of luck. (My computer selects/deletes text all the time because I have one of those touchpad track pads).

I think a solution would be to have a view of docs that looks like notebook - where we can have our docs organized into notebooks (or just choose to view it that way) so we could have the organizational flexibility that notebook gave us. and allow information to be dragged back and forth between docs, with a sidebar menu.


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Doyle said...

Google Docs is sloooooooooow. Notebook is fast!

So long as Google continues to maintain the tool without changing it I'm happy. And once Docs is improved to the point it has rulers and is as quick as locally installed programs I'll start using it.

Unknown said...


Have you tried the new Google Docs interface? Go to SETTINGS... then to the EDITING tab and check the box next to "Create new text documents using the latest version of the document editor."

Now, create a new test document. You'll see that any documents created using the new interface has a ruler.

As for the speed... well, that's subjective.

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eric fehrman said...

It seems to me that the latest trend is for smartphones to synchronize their data to "the Cloud".

Google obviously wants in the smartphone business that is why they have created the AndroidOS and Android does synchronize some data to the Cloud (Calendar & contacts).

If Google wants to compete in this space why not provide a Cloud version of ALL FOUR common PIM apps... Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, AND MEMOS???

I would think Google would want to keep Notebook alive and provide an API for it so that smartphones can utilize Notepad as the Cloud version of their smartphones notes/memo data.

Doesn't that make sense Google???

Unknown said...

@eric fehrman

Technically, they do. There's a contacts API, a Calendar API, etc... So Google (or anyone, for that matter) can integrate with these.

The reason there isn't as deeply integrated cloud syncing going on with other phones (as it is with Android) is simply because Android allows more overrides than, say, the iPhone does. For instance, if I don't like the way the Android home screen acts, I can write my own and completely override the default home screen functionality. With the iPhone, this cannot be done unless you only cater to the smaller crowd with jail-broken iPhones.

So, technically, your talk of having a "cloud" service for "notes/memos" already exists. It's Google Docs. It has an API and many different pieces of software have used this to provide different ways to interact with data that is ultimately stored within the cloud of Google Docs.

The cloud aspect of Google Notebook is not what is "missing"... it's the front-end. It had, essentially, two front-ends. It had the browser plugin which was super-fast... automatically captured selected text... automatically linked back to the source... etc... then there was the main front end, which you could get right to the home page and just start typing... creating three different notes super-quickly... add a header and start organizing them immediately, all from the same screen.

The same can't be said about Google Docs.

If we could just have a Google Notebook front end (alternative) for Google Docs stored documents... and a browser plugin which acted and responded just as quickly as the notebook one, and stored this information in Google Docs... THEN Google Notebook could "go away". Until then, Google Docs AS-IS just isn't a substitute.

Nor are the other alternatives such as Google Reader Notes (there's too much danger in making this information accidentally public, which is terribly when capturing private data from a website, such as a payment confirmation)... Google Bookmarks (which only lets you bookmark a page, not capture some inline content from it)... SideWiki (which is automatically public)... etc...

latitude20 said...

I hope you are reading this google. Google notebook is how I organize my thoughts and ideas and basically my life. Prior to GNB I used yahoo notepad and it was the superiority of GNB over yahoo notepad that inspired me to move my internet life from yahoo to google. It is the reason I became a fan of google and now use the suite of google products. Ultimately it is the reason that I now use the chrome browser, that my next phone will be an android phone (not another iphone) and that my next laptop will probably run Chrome OS instead of OS X.

I tried to export my GNB to Evernote and found it was just a mishmash of unorganized notes. I don't like the idea of tags. I don't want to have to put a bunch of tags on every note I write or to have to search by tags. GNB is organized in a natural and intuitive way that I don't think is matched by other notebook sites but even if it was I would not want to use another site. I want to keep everything in one place- google.

I need to continue to use GNB and I am glad I still can but it is sad that it is a dead product. It should be improved and better integrated with the google suite of products. As the world becomes mobile based GNB could be the center of the google universe. When people use it they become locked into it and locked into google. Why not revive an improved, integrated GNB and gain a whole new hoard of users who would become google fans for life?

Unknown said...

Latitude20 nailed it - it's as if I was hearing myself talk. I still use GNB (btw i like refering to it that way) everyday at home then on my phone on the ferry, and at work. I am still baffled by the decision to stop it-IMO resources from wave should be used to bolster it (I am still confused a bit by wave-- have no idea what I would use it for)

thomasJh said...

I'm very saddened by the lose of notebook. I thought it was one of the most useful apps, and I'm confused as to why it had to leave. Docs is also quite useful, but just not the same.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy reading your blog as the postings are so simple to read and follow. Outstanding. Please keep it up. Thanks.
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凯晟城 said...


GM said...


Fossil fuels are green said...

another great way for google to harvest users' souls would be a clippings extension (see AMO: addons.mozilla)

not as heavy as google docs (the idea you bought), and faster loading than notepad (the useful app you abandoned because you couldn't buy something similar).

google bookmarks does not fill the gap you've left behind. Firefox 3+ has the handy star -- the overkill gui advertisement of a really really old feature

gill_za said...

Haven't found a suitable substitute yet. Google docs is too cumbersome. Google Bookmarks is underdeveloped. Google Reader's notes section is the same as google bookmarks...

Terry Joyce said...

I'm seeing signs of life.

Export to Google Doc is suddenly working again ... meaning I have a migration path off, and can back up notebooks to a useable collaborative format.

A new user who started today was able to create Google Notebooks! So it appears new sign-ups are again allowed.

What does it mean, o Google oracle (that's oracle in the ancient Egyptian way, not the Larry Ellison way)?

R.H. said...

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Young Blogger said...

Wow! Google decided to cease development on Notebook in January 2009. It is now June 2010. After nearly 18 months, there are still so many requests to keep Notebook going. Isn't that good reason to rethink the decision?!

Leady L said...

stupid Google decision maker

R.H. said...


Philip Royds said...

Google notebook continues to be the repository for our company. We keep meeting minutes and records of conversations within Google notebook.
We would be delighted if Google were to re-commit to Notebooks.

Please Google, support Notebooks.

Expollutions said...

And I just started using this to document the Google API and how I wanted to implement it. Google needs an application to build a knowledge base. Similar to a web page and a blog, we need an application that one can collect data and take notes. An application that has a table of contents, keywords, bookmarks, categories, and a index. We need a wiki builder application.

Unknown said...

I am using google docs, I've tried touse the option "Export to Google Docs" but it doesn't work.
I don't have much info in Google notebook and if I don't find a solution I will have to copy/paste all my info into a doc in Google docs.

Unknown said...


Yeah, this has been broken ever since they first announced that they would no longer be improving Google Notebook. It was actually broken before that.

My guess is that they are not going to bother fixing it because, well, they've stopped development on Google Notebook.

My HOPE is that if they ever kill off Notebook, that they will at least fix this feature, allowing us to move the data elsewhere... and not just in an XML format.

Alexandre Rodrigues said...

A great tool, a great job of the idealists and developers of this tool. I'm sad with the notice about the finish of this project but happy with the help that this tool offer to myself until now.



That Guy! said...

Come on, Google!

Revive Google Notebook. Make it part of Docs if you must, but leave it lightweight and responsive.

magnee said...

I have tried migrating Notebook to Wave and Docs but found them lacking one big feature: ability to section, label, organize, and search information quickly. OK, you can search in Wave and Docs, but still, the way Notebook does it is better. I found Wave's way of organizing information clunky. Docs's folder structure lacks the simplicity of sectioning. So, Notebook still remains my No. 1 choice for note taking in all the Google Apps.

Liz P said...

The only problem with continuing to use Google Notebook is that Notebooks can still be automatically "Flagged" by Google for "Violation of Google policies", which seems to occur randomly. You can still add to "Flagged" Notebook but that's about all.

Google no longer responds to requests to unlock "Flagged" Notebooks. While locked, you cannot export the Notebook, in order to import it to another application, or publish or share it, although you can still print it.

I still have not found anything that does everything Notebook does and have tried everything that I have found recommended anywhere.

People use Notebooks in so many different ways - one of the beauties of Google Notebook is that it is so flexible while being neat, tidy and easy to manage.

There are lots of "alternatives" that offer some of the features of Notebook - but they are all "close, but no cigar"!

Sunshine said...

I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT >>>>>>> THAT YOU HAVE TAKEN Google Notebook Extension off of Google. I JUST NOW... stopped having it, because I JUST NOW got an update on the Fire Fox browser. I DIDN'T want to upgrade for that VERY REASON. But I finally DID upgrade at my own horrible DISSATISFACTION .... I am VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY UPSET about it. I Don't know how MUCH MORE I Can express it. What in the WORLD DID YOU and WHY IN THE WORLD did you EVER EVER come up with THAT decision to take it OFF. I can not Believe that GOOGLE of all PERSONS.... would have done such a thing, Seeing that it was such a GREAT GREAT asset to GOOGLE. I mean MAN ALIVE! And I am quite serious about the whole matter. I used the thing practically every time I got on the computer. Extremely absorbed into it. LOVED IT IMMENSELY ...... one of my VERY VERY VERY favorite tools on Google. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add it back on... maybe with some really cool extra thing that you can attach to it.. like maybe an available Daily DIARY that can be accessed RIGHT FROM it too or something. I would LOVE THAT. Thanks again for your SERIOUS consideration from your NORMAL Google and Google Notebook FANS. Amen? Absolutely!!! Thanks, Sunshine.

Ravindran Ganapathi said...

I used to do lot of web search and i have lot of commands, tech info to be stored, and need to access at home and office,

google notebook is easier to save organize my text data.

ever since my company's security team disabled usb access i have been using this

gill_za said...

google resume notebooks now before MS steals your thunder and develops their own version of it like it did with your street view !!!

Dean S said...

I support the petition to revive the unique Google Notebook. Now with huge propagation of Android phones and with coming wave of Android tablets it is invaluable to have such a great note/clips taking application.

Especially if one more step is taken (in line with similar Google steps for other Apps) - such as synch ability to a desktop notebook, and more importantly - to an Android wireless device (phone and tablet).

Google can watch what people are storing as Notes and analyze and derive some informational value from that along with showing up the Ads on the Notebook pages - so I do not know why it would not be a win-win situation for Google.


Justin said...

My Wife and I use google notebook to share a grocery list from our mobile phones.

Could you please add the ability to delete items from the phone as well??

We would like the ability to change the list as we shop, or remove items as we purchase them.


(Great job btw development team, very useful little project you have here)

karni said...

Come on.. Google Tasks is good for shopping list or TODO, not for larger notes. And no, I don't want to use Google Docs for those; it would be an overkill. I really like simplicity of Google Notebook and hope one or two developers from Google will be let to get back to developing it.

Mikesco3 said...

Another user that really relies on Google Notebook

Lysender said...

I never thought Google Notebook development was discontinued. I just started using this for a month only to find out that the service future is uncertain.

Pamela Capalad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Just discovered this myself and when I found out the service was discontinued, I immediately went hunting for others. Even signed up for a zoho account for a minute. This is the easiest-to-use notebook feature I've found. Bring it back please! Just wanted to add to the petition!

Also, for the record, when I put in "notebook" into google, this was the first thing to pop up! Obviously people are still using it!

Anonymous said...

Any news on the notebook status? To be honest, having this enabled before 2009 is the reason why I kept my Google account.

Please consider to integrate this wonderful drag&drop application with Google Docs. Could even serve as an alternative for its folder management + enhanced document sharing. <3

Yolanda Solo said...

I have tried LOADS of other notebook apps and still think google notebook is the best. Would love it if Google would consider resurrecting it.

Unknown said...

Google Notebooks is a very useful tool for me and I don't think that Google Docs or any other existing Google services could be an alternative for it. I don't understand why Google decided discontinue this service. Hope to be back!

Unknown said...

I just found Google Notebook today, August 21, 2010. I've been searching for the PERFECT organizing tool and voila....there it was, a video, no, lots of videos on youtube. I watched them all and kept saying to myself, "This is it, this is it, this is what I've been searching for since DOS." Your other apps pale, compared to this, no offense, and believe me, I could not live without Google. Can't you put it back out there, ADVERTISE that it's available and THEN take a poll on how much it's used. I certainly would plug it to everyone I know and everyone else using it I'm sure would also. C'mon Google, PLEASE offer it again.

Unknown said...

This is why I couldn't find it!!1
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Unknown said...

I love Google Notebook. The only reason I haven't used it was they discontinued it shortly after I signed up!

Regardless of how good Google Docs is, it's not the same as Google Notebook.

Please bring it back!

El Cojo said...

Are there any plans to open source this thing? Love the functionality!

Jovibor said...

Notebook project is the best project of yours!
It's as best as Gmail is. I really please you not to stop it development.

Jovibor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rayone said...

Very disappointed google decided to stop development, as it needed better integration with gmail.

And maybe the only reason it wasn't more popular is cos you hid it, so only a couple of us back in 2008 discovered it.

START Dev and promotion PLEASE... it's way better than google docs for quick lists... like a holiday itinerary, shopping list....

Unknown said...

I will still continue to use Notebook! The more of us that keep doing so the greater chance Google will bring it back in one form or another. All the other alternatives are not nearly as good or fast. I use both Docs and Tasks and Notebook and they all have their use.

MtEverest said...

hi friend,
i cant remove my notebook label. its show a note in label but there is no note and many times i try to delete that label i can not, please help me the note i was not write, import from some other site.

Brito said...

Notebook is really handy, why does it cost you guys so much to bring back something that is useful?

Big G is letting us all down..

Joe Mommie said...

notebook s what keeps me from going to evernote or zoho...even MS $kydive, or whatever its called.

wutsch said...


Rimvydas said...

I still hope that you will continue to develop this great and usefull product. Or a least just don't delete it.

Friedrich said...


Notebook is a simple and cool application. Please don't remove this application.



Unknown said...

You should Go Holiday or Go Travel

Boris said...

ending notebook is just as stupid idea as launching wave.

Web Development Company - fraud said...

Oh, its really very shocking news. Notebook is very nice tool. even i am also using this notebook but now how can i continue my work with out development on notebook. Very sad.......

Anonymous said...

Over a year now since Google pulled the rug out from under us.. and you're keeping your word about keeping former use active. Thanks for that. I'vr tried the others, Zoho, Evergreen.. None are as quick and clean as G Notebook.
Forcing us to use Google Docs is NOT PLAYING NICE. We'll use Docs when we need to for collaboration.. but for single user work, G NOtebook is best.
Pay attention to what your users SAY!

Unknown said...

No doubt Google sold out to Microsoft for some trade off of some kind. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense to discontinue Notebook and then try to pawn of Google Docs as an obvious 2nd.

I do use OneNote and like it. But its definitely no Notebook replacement - not even close.

Unknown said...

No doubt Google sold out to Microsoft for some trade off of some kind. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense to discontinue Notebook and then try to pawn of Google Docs as an obvious 2nd.

I do use OneNote and like it. But its definitely no Notebook replacement - not even close.

Paul said...

2 years after Google stopped notebooks, I'm still unhappy it's gone. Other Google products just don't fill the void. I want to store thoughts and ideas, lists, sometimes websites and a whole host of other information. Docs, tasks and other products are just structured wrong. In an information age the notes are a powerful information tool. I'll have an Android phone soon and one of the biggest criteria is small notes on the move. Come on Google, revisit this product. It's potential is much more than you give it credit for.

Please listen

バース・クリス said...

Just checking in again.
Still using Google Notebook.
Keep up the service!

The competitors still are no competition. (I don't want to sign into two services - mail and notebook)

I'm not upgrading to FF3.6 and I'm not using Chrome. Your lack of updates has stopped me from using your browser. I love your other stuff though! Keep things going!

That Guy! said...

Bring it back!

Adam W said...

Still using the service. Hands down, the best Notebooking cloud app. Please revive this!

Unknown said...


revive GOOGLE Notebook. Start putting money into the development.

This is a GREAT TOOL !!!!

Paul said...

I've now got the Android phone. Nothing matches the Google notes. Please bring it back fully into the fold and have an Android app!

Unknown said...

I use It is very simple and easy to use. The UI is similar to Google doc. Easy to pick up.

玄儿 said...

I am using ebinner too. It allows me to instantly "zap" (just highlight and right-click) the contents I am interested in and save into my ebinner account. So all my online reference needed for my project is located in one place. Very handy.

And with it, I am building up my personal e-library too.

Unknown said...

Still using Notebook.
Thanks for maintaining it !
I am happy it is still here because it went all around and I am back to using Notebook...

Unknown said...

I still use it and it a great alternative to the unsafe drafts of Gmail (that don't undelete). Also more relevant and lightweight than Wave.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the support. I really appreciate the way you written that.I think it is great deal iPhone iPad Application Development

Unknown said...

HI..I like Google Notebook.I always use google notebook.Its really good........ Thanks for the nice postiPhone iPad Application Development

Paolo said...

It's one of the best google application. It's a shame they stop developing it.

admin said...

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ViVi said...


I'm still using my Notebook. :3 Please consider reviving the project someday.

Caleb McGrath said...

Wow...this is the first I have heard of google dropping Notebook! I love this application. The user interface is great and no other google product allows the type of organization and creativity for writing a paper. This is the first time I have felt let down by Google! Makes me a little nervous about everything else I have revolving around google! Please reconsider!


Bengal said...

notebook is not cool like other clipping services that permanently store the web clips even the graphics... notebook is only linking to the original sources but not copying the graphics onto its own server... so when is the google webclip going to come out??? (so excited)

Tanya said...

Still using Google notebook but its very glitch-y for me these days. Anyone else having this problem? The format toolbar hides itself . . . certain notes close themselves entirely if I blink too many times . . . I REALLY WISH GOOGLE WOULD BRING THIS SERVICE BACK OR AT LEAST UPDATE THE FUNCTION FOR THOSE WHO FIRST USED IT!!! It can't be that hard or expensive to fix these little glitches. Please!!

Lotus said...

I think google notebook was put on hold as competing with way too many other sites offering the same product. Google prides itself on innovation. If worried on your content I suggest Evernote. I only realized that google had added notebooks when I was told by Evernote that I could import my Google notebooks into my Evernote account. I had no problems with evernote and the process seems painless. It is sad that google stopped the notebooks as I like having all my apps within my iGoogle account but can't put all your eggs in one basket. So keep your bookmarks at google and back it up on a notebook provider just in case. I still love google for everything else ;)

Unknown said...

Evernote does __not__ work on LINUX

Unknown said...

I dont know wheter i am disappointed or just sad. I'm a fan of notebook and used it in my business selling reconditioned laptops

Tobias said...

BRING IT BACK! its one of the best features of google. ever. ever. seriously!

Unknown said...

Very very disappointed. Been using notebook for about 2 years, and with a collection of shared notes to family and people from work. Please reconsider.

sweet said...

i`m deeply disappointed.
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AttilaBal said...

Still using google notebook. Please continue the project!

Revv said...

Hello !

Well, I tried Evernote, the award-winning note creator and... I still prefer Google Notebook !
Fast, clear, intuitive, superb UI very simple to use and nice to see...

Please, please, think about reviving this project, and add an app on Android and ChromeOS !!

Li'l Texas Darlin said...

You can import your google notebook to zoho...

Peter K. said...

Oddly I think I found a way for new a way for users to access Google Notebook from new accounts. I just got a second Google account through work and when signed in to the new account I unthinkingly clicked the Google Notebook bookmark in my browser. Instead of telling me that Notebook was unavailable for the new account it took me to a blank new Notebook.

If you want to try it out for yourself the link is:

Unknown said...

Yes, I know that you can use notebook even you did not start using it when it was officially supported. I told a lot of my friends.... but I did not want to publicly post this information... because I did not want that Google fixes this 'pleasant bug' and disable new logins for good. Oh well, the cat is out of the bag and I still hope that Google will not block new notebook users to sign in,

Thush said...

Dear Google developers,
Google notebook is a great tool like gmail, google calender... etc. Please reconsider your decision. This product is very effective and efficient product than I used other notebook products.

Wayne Wieseler said...

By the number of comments, I would say that Google may have misjudged how important Notebook is to many users. And, please, don't insult our intelligence by suggesting we consider Google Docs. That is suggesting we use a letter size piece of paper when a sticky is the more appropriate tool. I do hope a third-party developer picks Notebooks up. I would pay for it.

orenji said...

I agree with Wayne! When are you bringing Notebook back?! I use this SO often and its a really great tool. Please reconsider this decision. It's soon-to-be 2011 and you're still getting complaints about it. What does that tell you Google?

Sisyphus said...

Google - why are you letting EverNote and others take over this increasingly important gap in the market? As many have said in this blog, Google Docs is not an adequate substitute.

Be big enough, Google, to admit that maybe Notebook (and its extension for the various major browsers) should be brought back into development. It was and is one of your best web applications.

Mark said...

Dear Google,

Do you know why notebook failed. It is because it did not provide the basic functionality of attaching attachments to a note.

Why do you think everyone uses Gmail's DRAFTS as a Notebook? It is because it allows the user to attach something to the "Note" (or unsent EMAIL).

Just FYI....bring back Notebook with ATTACHMENT functionality and it will be a HIT.

A design dude.

Peter said...

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dpchemist said...

Dear Google,
Please consider to resume the development of Notebook. If it can be a single place o keep information gathered online form desktop and Android phone (from dedicated app and from Shopper, Maps, Places, etc.) it would be excellent!

Kaveh said...

For Android it is a must.
I wish google start to develop it specially for android platform.

Unknown said...

one of my favorate app of google. easy use, but really satified my requirment.

I wish google start to develop it baddly like other people.

Anonymous said...

this was my favorite feature from all the google apps! I was really bummed they didnt have an app on the first android to use it! I'm just now finding out it got discontinued! this sucks!!!


Unknown said...

It's been a year since Google stopped developing Notebook. However, the demand for it never seems to decrease. Have you seen any product which have attracted so much regret and sustained such a long period of mourning? Please bring it back.

Brown English Muffin said...

When is it actually going away???

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Frogsmoker said...

Google Notebook is so important for me that I continue using Firefox with the Google add-on. I'd love to use Chrome but only if there is a Notebook plugin that works as well as the one in Firefox. Isn't it ironic that Google forces me to NOT use their browser?

Funkyjam said...

Google notebook is my second brain. I still rely on it daily and there is no other solution that is as beautifully simple, yet powerful. It is my hope that Google will decide to resume support of Google Notebook. Heck, I am going to see if they'll hire me to manage this product and bring it back to life. I could sell them on the value of their product that they are not seeing internally. Notebook doesn't require much to become perfect.

Unknown said...

We just switched from Outlook to Google Apps and this was one of the features that we had to have and Google offered it.

Now any of our users who didn't complete their migration (that had to be manual) will be stuck. And for the rest of us, how much longer before they decide to just fully turn it off.

I think that decisions of what to focus on should be taken into a greater context and I hope to see the Notebook functionality re-appears as a Gmail extension.

DamoSuRFeR! said...

What the hell?

Google, seriously: don't be like other evil lords, and, for a change, do listen to the users. If anyone from Google takes the time to go through the comments, the one common thread is SIMPLICITY. That is what we all like about Google notebook. I dare say that we can live without any features being added, and frankly I think this would be preferred. By all means, concentrate your efforts on Google Docs and bloat that to your hearts content. But please, PLEASE, consider keeping Notebook alive, just alive, it will thrive on its own.

Humbly, a happy Notebook user...

kecsap said...

Just to put my voice here: I also still use this service and none of the other Google services can replace it.

freakface said...

I hope that someone at Google reads these comments. I need a notebook-type application, so I'm forced to use Zoho notebook. That sux. I use Google Notebook for the limited features that it has, but I wish someone at Google would pick up the ball and start running with Notebook again. If none of you will, then hire me and I'll make it my 20% project.

Sangjun said...

Over a year later, and the comments keep pouring in! I started using Notebook to keep track of all my travel notes as I make my way through central america, and fell in love with it. I started to look for an Android version so I could sync my notes to my phone to carry them around, a wonderfully convenient use case, only to then discover development has been discontinued. Such a sad situation!! Surely somebody, somewhere, in that huge corporation can somehow keep this development?

Anonymous said...

Two years later and people are still commenting on how great a tool this is. Will Google listen? Let's hope so.

Unknown said...

Seems google is fully concentrated on their 'docs' and would never pick up this project again... although I suppose a clean and useful google notebook app is useful and should be developed on the apps market. What a pity! I tried many note apps on the chrome apps market and still think this will be the best one if...

web said...

Why, why, why? I won't use Microsoft notes.

Unknown said...

Google, please take another look at the lovely Google Notebook~ please~!

Unknown said...

This is sad. I'm a real heavy user of Notebook and it is extremely useful for me


Unknown said...

This is sad. I'm a real heavy user of Notebook and it is extremely useful for me


sajesh said...

to whomever it may concern; please dont stop google notebook development. else suggest a solution to backup all the notes in the folders.

Unknown said...

This is a great product! Notes are starting to get a huge amount of traction everywhere. (Evernote, Springpad, Simplenote, etc...) Even MS OneNote is becoming more and more popular.

Google makes great products. Bring this one back to life!

kmakec said...

I agree with MRuby, please bring notebook back!

Kambrian said...

really sad about notebook. I'm trying to use google reader's "note" feature but can't help missing and stepping back to my google notebook.

thoma said...

Hi Google...

Any plan to re-introduce Notebook.. It is an awesome tool.. Atleast remove the tip from the top of Notebook - "Tip: Collect recipes, gift ideas, and interesting articles from the web using our browser extension." said...

Muito interessanete essa ferramenta ajuda muito vale apena conhecer

Nicolas ANDRE said...

Google notebook was an very good experience unlike google bookmarks where sharing is just a nightmare..

Unknown said...

I agree with Thoma, the tip should be removed..

afortiori said...

I opened an Evernote account a while back. I didn't like it as much as Google Notebook because it lacks the simplicity and immediacy. I am switching to Evernote exclusively now though due to impossibility of using Notebook on mobile devices.

What a shame - I think Google abandoned a good product here - and in a sense abandoned users too.

TC said...

Please join to my Facebook group: "Please bring Google Notebook back!"


Dubya said...

PLEASE GOOGLE! Revive Notebook!

shiyue625 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiyue625 said...

I think notebook is a very useful tool to manange information piece and can not be substituted by any other google products. Hope notebook will revive in the future.

Unknown said...

please bring back google notebook extension to work with FF4

orenji said...


Unknown said...

Please bring it back... :(
right click and add to notebook is irreplaceable...


riskrapper said...

I find notebook really useful. Should I be worried about losing my stuff? How long will I have access to it?

Please reconsider.

Thank you.

Tauren Mills said...

Right now, the Google Notebook UI loads fine, but my data doesn't load. After a few seconds trying to load my data, it gives an error saying "please try again in a few seconds".

The problem is that the following URL responds with a 500 internal server error (I'm only including the base URL without query string):

I certainly hope someone will bring it back online soon!

Seraphim said...

I love google notebook,it is much better than evernote
Just see how popular evernote is!
If google notebook runs well on mobile devices ,firefox,chrome and ie,it will attract many people to use google's service!
Please bring it back

Harnaś said...

It seems Google realy believe that Google Notebook is a rival for Google Docs. But in fact Google Doc can't replace Notebook. I sometimes use Google Docs, but more often Google Notebook. Nothing can change this. I will NOT use more often Google Doc even if they switch off Notebook.
I am very disapointed, that google extension doesn't work with Firefox 4

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

As someone mentioned above, Google Notebook is my second brain too. I use it for almost everything and I DON'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE !

Please consider restarting its support..The possibility of tons of important information that doesn't fit in my brain simply vanishing terrifies me a lot.

Dylan said...

big mistake

Unknown said...

bring notebook back! Countinue depeloping it, please!!!

greetings from Croatia!

Xtrima said...

I am using notebook for keeping meeting minutes. Please, continue support for Notebook and add more features to it, specific to the needs of users. Adding meeting templates could be one of them.

SpeedStriker said...

Though many before me have expressed this sentiment, I feel I just can't let this gripe go without saying something.

Notebook is a great service that I've used extensively and to say that there's other Google products have similar functions to Notebook misses the point of it completely. I'm not sure how Google perceive Notebook, but no other Google service can replace the simple intuitiveness that Notebook offer.

Shame this have to be stopped, but please, consider an integration with other products or just create something along the lines of Notebook 2.0!

Alan Rick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alan Rick said...

It is mozilla that broke the plugin in firefox 4.0, not google. If you want to keep using it you have to post your complaint in the mozillazine org forum. Complaining here won't change anything.

Anonymous said...

It's now over two years since you (Google) announces that you are stopping development on gNotebook.

I am very happy that gNotebook continues to function; I use it daily.

Despite what Raj Krishnan said in the announcement on 2009-01-14, the other tools mentioned DO NOT replace gNotebook. gDocs is the only one that comes close (but it's a long way away). I don't know what Raj was thinking regarding the other three (searchwiki, tasks, bookmarks); they are only but a tiny fraction of gNotebook's capabilities.

It appears that there are many that continue to dare and use gNotebook; we live in 'fear' that one day you'll just pull the plug. It's a shame. Such a great tool.

Just one more tiny voice -- PLEASE bring it back and develop gNotebook. If you need suggestions, I'm sure many who have posted here would be happy to help.


Unknown said...

I just found Google notebook and love it. I've been using evernote, but this is far better. I really want to use the extension so that I can make notes from any website: that would be exactly what I am looking for. I can't find anything like it. I tried Zoho and don't like it. Please bring this back!

GfK said...

PLEASE PLEASE make it official again..
Why you make simple things difficult??
Google Notepad is my easiest/quickest way to take notes..

Julian said...

Google escucha la voz de tu pueblo!!!

Anonymous said...


Oten Yau said...

Google Notebook真的是我的最爱。速度快,界面轻盈,直觉性。

HobokenRox said...

Just means I'll have to start using Yahoo Notebook instead. Sigh :|

Burwood said...

Please resume the Notebook project!!!

I don't understand why google see it a less successful project to other developments.

d said...

Google Notebook is still one of my favorite applications.

hahaha said...

I muster up my courage many time to try to move myself to Endnote, but I can't. Notebook has been an important part of my igoogle and I am used to jot down anything in notebook. Even though notebook stop development, it's cute. Until now I can hardly find one alternative. I will stay with it until one day Google close my account.

Andy Maggs said...

I stopped using Google Notebook when they announced they were stopping development and used Evernote instead but I don't really like it and was really surprised to find that my old Google notebook still exists today, so will continue with it. Google, please bring it back, merge it with Docs if that makes it easier. You really need a notebook app to compete with MS.

Nicolas ANDRE said...

What application can have the same benefit I mean note some web pages, edit the note, share it, allow research ( with a link that indicate the research)

Not google reader, not google bookmark list ( because the research option isn't possible)

The pb now is that we can't anymore share booknotes.


Patrick S. Forscher said...

I still love Google Notebook and have continued to use it since Google announced that they would stop development. By now I have maybe 400+ notes on Google Notebook. Not only would it be a total pain to move to a different service, but I love the features Google Notebook brings to the table.

I strongly urge the Google team to resume development of this product. If it has to be merged with Google Docs, that's fine with me -- I just want this great product to continue to be supported!

Du said...

maybe it could be pointless but i still will drop my comment in here i would love to have google notebook back don't want to develop further i sort of understand but its perfect as it is for me.. the only thing i would ask for is.. an android app for it, shouldn't be that difficult and i mean there is a new comment on may 20 2011.. what more prove do anyone could need that this feature is wanted??

its cool couse its simple yet organized.. don't want all that flashy and color-y alternatives that are floating around.. potatoes-bread-and-butter simple is what i want and google alaways had a touch to make that look elegant..

please revive the project =)

suavi said...

Yes, It's one of the best Google application. I don't really understand that Google says "future in cloud computing" but on the other hand they have stopped it. Because of them, I am using Onenote and their CC system. Shame on Google!

Krem said...

One more vote for continuing Notebook. I had Evernote on my (Google) Todo list forever, and started (trying) to use it a few weeks ago. Very cluttered interface, too much screen space wasted, unnecessary features (for me) that could not be disabled/disappeared: I felt I was continuously fighting the software. Spent a lot of time searching in help.

A friend recommended Notebook; it was instant usability! Classic sparse Google interface and intuitive: I never had to do a help search to figure out anything, unlike Evernote. Please keep it, and or minor upgrades. Do not copy Evernote!

Previously I had been using mostly drafts in Gmail, and some in Gdocs. I have been a Gmail user for 6 years, and Gdocs since 2006, so I know both programs' strengths; neither is as good as Notebook for what it does.

A suggestion for Notebook, and a major annoyance from Evernote: Allow the formatting toolbar to be hidden. For example, In Gmail you can edit plain text, or rich formatting, in Gdocs I can hide the controls. Most of the time when I am collecting information I do not care about fonts and italics, and don't want to waste screen space. I know some people love formatting, and it needs to be available; as a work tool, not a presentation tool, give users the maximum work space if they want it. A simple circle x "click to hide" the formatting bar would be great.

Gabriel Kent said...

Yet another +1 for continuing Notebook.

It is very useful and cannot be replicated by any of Google's other products.

At very least, open source it.


Unknown said...

Nearly 2000 comments. That should say something. Google should implement Google +1 on this post alone and then see how many people search for the Google -1 button.

No matter how hard I've tried to stick to the "alternatives", nothing compares to Google Notebook. Ever since the extension went away, I've been using the Google Notebook bookmarklet. It's invaluable when researching stuff on the web. My fear now is the fact that I keep getting more and more stuff stored in Google Notebook and the export feature throws errors, so my data is trapped. If they ever shut this off for good, I'll be hosed.

麦秆 said...

i love it.

aNU said...


Anonymous said...

i am using netbook since 2005 and one thing i want to say is back then it so expensive compare to today which is cheap.

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Unknown said...

Bitte weiterentwickeln Google!

John said...

+1 for bring it back

Sean said...

Boy, this was a stupid idea. How on earth could you lack foresight so badly that I wind up stuck without something as basic as a sticky note app in the stock Android Google Experience?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ said...

When I search notes for a word, it takes me to the notebook and displays the first line, but does not highlight the word I'm searching for in the notebook.

Is this the way it is supposed to work?

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