Stopping development on Google Notebook

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:30 PM

At Google, we're constantly working to innovate and improve our products so people can easily find and manage information. At times though, we have to decide where to focus our efforts and which technologies we expect will yield the most benefit to users in the long run.

Starting next week, we plan to stop active development on Google Notebook. This means we'll no longer be adding features or offer Notebook for new users. But don't fret, we'll continue to maintain service for those of you who've already signed up. As part of this plan, however, we will no longer support the Notebook Extension, but as always users who have already signed up will continue to have access to their data via the web interface at

If you haven't used Notebook in the past, we invite you to explore the other Google products that offer Notebook-like functionality. Here are a few examples, all of which are being actively improved and should meet your needs:
  • SearchWiki - We recently launched a feature on Search that will let you re-rank, comment, and personalize your search results. This is useful when you've found some results on Google Search that were really perfect for your query. You can read about how to use SearchWiki in this blog post.
  • Google Docs - If you're trying to jot down some quick notes, or create a document that you can share with others, check out Google Docs.
  • Tasks in Gmail - For a lightweight way to generate a todo list or keep track of things, we recently launched Tasks in Gmail Labs.
  • Google Bookmarks - For a tool that can help you remember web pages that you liked and access them easily, take a look at Google Bookmarks. You can even add labels to your bookmarks to better organize and revisit them.
While it's hard for us to make this announcement we believe it's the right decision for our users in the long run. And we're excited about all the new ideas we have for Docs, SearchWiki, Bookmarks and other products.

UPDATE, January 22.
Since this post went up, we've received lots of feedback. In particular, many of you seem concerned about what will happen to the information and data you've already put into Notebook. So we'd like to reiterate and clarify a few things.

First, since we're maintaining the service via, every single notebook and all the existing features of the web interface will still be available. Those of you that already use the web interface should see no change in how the product behaves. Second, we guarantee that you will always have access to and control of your notebooks; we completely appreciate the effort and knowledge that your data represents and are committed to making sure you don't lose it. Finally, if you're looking for a way to easily export your information out of the product, the feature already exists. In the upper right corner of the web interface, under the "Tools" menu, there are two export options: "Export to Google Docs", and "Export as HTML".

We hope this addresses some of your concerns. Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions.


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Unknown said...

Please Google, listen to your users! The Notebook is loved by many, myself included. It's a terrific tool to have with your portable Firefox on a USB stick and it's the best note taking app I've found that you can access anywhere you go.

Please reconsider.

Chao Hui Lin said...

Hands down the best note taking tool up to date. Please continue. Sick of EverNote.

Mick Haven said...

I just wanted to cast my belated vote: instead of killing this app, why not incorporate it into G-Docs?

Nothing else out there performs the way Notebook does which includes all the supposed things Google lists here that will take its place . . .

The extension, the ease of operation, the whole idea of being on a Webpage and clipping rather than cutting and pasting, gone.

Bad/sad move and, at the risk of sounding cliche, first time Google's disappointed me.

Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but could this be foreshadowing their switch from user-centered friendly company to MS-like draconian overlords that don't give a damn about their customers?

I hope not . . .

Retch said...

Too bad. I really wish y'all were keeping this notebook product up. I think it's networking/integration ability makes it the perfect hub for docs, bookmarks, and reader, kind of like an all-inclusive product/gadget for text.

Like picasa is for photos, all text posting/sharing could be done through on Notebook.

Anonymous said...

Thts sad, i just recently found out about this.
I have been using gNotebook for a long time now.
I just have been using it on my ipod.
I found it more easier to use then the notes app apple gave us.
Now i find out they are no longer doing anything to it, its sad :(
Really, i dont think it was such a great idea to stop.
But at least the product still works.

mrector said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mrector said...

My laptop dead yesterday and with that my extension. Now I find out this project has died too, I used it almost every day since 2006. I'm shocked, I loved it!

patrunjel said...

Instead of beating about the bush by implying the Notebook will not "yield the most benefit to users in the long run..." and no explanation how you came to that conclusion, why not give a real good reason for stopping support of Notebook ? Too much user data fluff accumulates and it has no [long run] benefit for you?
Myself, I benefit much in the long term from using the Notebook, in fact the longer the term the more useful it becomes as the data I collect accumulates. It is one of the few Google products I was using consistently ( the others are Search and Gmail ).
Okay, so you can't support it anymore. Is it open source? If not, please make it open source so we can create a new version that can run in our browser but saves data to the local disk or some other location of choice.
Thank you.

Lisa Barrow said...

Let me just be the five kabillionth person to say how much I love Notebook, and how disappointed I am that it's being phased out.

I'm kind of embarrassed that I've been singing its praises to my friends, since they can't sign up anymore.

Please reconsider, o Google overlords!

Hanh said...

Wish Google came back to Notebook. I never liked to make any documents in Google Docs. What features I wanted in Google Docs was in Notebook. For one, I wish Notebook could "revert." Anyways, I will make do until I find another company that can do more.

Som said...

For academic reserach try Zotero. Firefox required.

Rykel™ said...

Pleeeeease do NOT discontinue Notebook... Docs is too "bloated" to work on my Nokia mobile phones and indeed, it is too "heavy" for light uses such as the offhand note-taking and storing of temporary passwords.

Leave Notebook alone, if it is no longer actively developed... Thanks!! :(

Aditya said...

Hi Google or anyone that can help,
I have a huge number of notes in my Google Notebook (one notebook has 1700+ notes, and I have dozens of notebooks) and cannot export them to G Docs or Zoho because it just fails.

Anyone know what I can do to save my info? Can I transfer them to Zotero?


mrector said...

Hi Aditya,

Does exporting to html also fail? That option works fine for me with a huge number of notes.

Taras said...

Hi all,

I've been using a program called 'surfulater' which is very similar to google notebook - you can store clippings, organise them into folders, add tags, edit the clippings, etc etc. The product is created by a small development team, and the lead developer listens to user suggestions very closely and often implements them!

It's major problem for me at the moment is that it's a windows only application, which means that managing information across computers is a pain, and also there's nothing for macs/linux.

Maybe if enough people start asking for some online functionality it will get done?

Anyway, try it out, I recommend it!


Unknown said...

Why not release it as open source?

Liz P said...

Great shame Notebook is going - it works very well. I have numerous Notebooks, publish several as a way of sharing links and collaborating on gathering references. There isn't really another Google product that does the job so efficiently. If the problem is "under-use", why not advertise Notebook more effectively?

Zoe said...

I have been away from Notebooks for a while and was VERY sad to see that it will no longer be developed. While not a daily user, it is the perfect tool for long term collaborative projects. I wanted to start a new notebook to "collect" an inventory of useful products for use in my job. While I could probably cobble something together using other Google tools, the beauty of Notebook was its simplicity. Just clip and organize. Please reconsider packaging Notebook as part of Google Docs...

Mario Martin said...

Es increible, cerrar el "bloc de notas", a vece las empresas innovadoras cuando crecen pierden visión, pasión y ese sexto sentido, le pasó a Apple con la Newton y ahora quieren recuperar el pedazo de pastel perdido con el iPhone. Google Inc, no debería de abandonar el desarrollo del "bloc de notas" o integrarla en la suite de gmail, ¿cuántos desarrolladores se necesitan para darle mantenimiento a un producto tan sencillo y simple pero tan, tan eficaz y útil como el bloc?. Por favor no abandonen el "bloc de notas"

Unknown said...

This is a MASSIVE shame. A great educational resource used by my students. It might not be profitable alone by provides a great cloud environment that my class can all contribute to and see on my whiteboard board. This product should be integrated into GoogleDocs then watch how popular it is....

The Optimist said...

I found Notebook useful for storing the bits of important fluff that people come and ask you about 6 months down the line.

This makes me very wary of other google apps that have become a important part of my life. Maybe I need to de-google myself.

Thanks for notebook and docs and chrome and gmail and igoogle and Gtalk. Very good apps each and every one.

FunambulED said...

ARGGHHHH: this is so efficient and usefull to capture and keep any part of a web page while surfing (with the link, date...) by just selecting it...
I am sad...

Unknown said...

It's a sad sad day. :(

ds said...

i am sad to hear this.
it was one of my favorite tools that i used every day!

Marc Ugolini said...

Quel dommage que Google stope le développement de Bloc-Notes (Notebook). Pour avoir utilisé d'autres outils, celui ci était vraiment supérieur et simple, permettant un vrai travail collaboratif sur des documents. Les soi-disant "produits équivalenets" ne remplissent pas les meme fonctions. On espere le "retour" du Bloc-Notes

Unknown said...

I was wondering why I had not received any updates for this in a while. What I HUGE disappointment I use notebook almost every single day. (until firefox updated and I could not access it) Damn!

galfla said...

I was relying heavily on Google Notebook. This move by Google is something that should be recognized and given a name in the new era of cloud computing. It is now a reoccurring pattern by any cloud provider of services, not just Google. The pattern is this: they change the methods (applications) to access the users' data, and they don't provide tools to export/import to another app. The name of that is: DATA BOMB. And users better be wary of such side effects before they commit to using a cloud service.

galfla said...

The suggested mechanisms to migrate out of Notebook are not satisfactory, as the instructions above read: "...there are two export options: 'Export to Google Docs', and 'Export as HTML'."

The first option creates a flat file---ugly.

The second option creates an html page, more readable, but residing in Notebook ... the application that is burning down! . . . and there is no option to export the html bookmarks out to . . . Google Bookmarks app.! . . . don't ya just love how nutty it makes ya? o_O

I tell ya . . . it's the new era of USERS' DATA BASHING.

Twice said...

Please, please please reconsider this decision. I love google notebooks and rely on it for so much. I had no idea it wasn't going to be developed anymore until the firefox 3.5 upgrade. I am so incredibly sad.

InspiredHeart said...

Actually, since installing the Zotero extension to Firefox a year or so ago I stopped using Notebook. I have a bunch of notes in there which I will transfer to Zotero now that I am thinking about it.
Check out Zotero if you don't already have it. I find it much better than Notebook, with the one exception being that it is local to my computer and not stored online... which may not suit some notebook users.

All the best...

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Jan said...

I love most things Google, yet I have to agree with many others that this is a colossal DRAG and a big disappointment. I am a digital immigrant, but I used Google Notebook quite often and loved having the extension. It was so nice to 'clip' just what I wanted from a blog or wherever and save it in Notebook. Please reconsider and give us back the Firefox extension, too. Thanks for all the good things you do!

Unknown said...

I just installed Firefox 3.5 and when I realised that it doesn't support Google notebook I came back to Firefox 3.0.11. But the problem is that the Google team has decided to 'kill' notebook. It really mistake. Think again. A good notebook -clips may orientate someone to others competitors’ programmes...THINK PLEASE AND CHANGE YOUR MIND. GOOGLE NOTEBOOK IS A VERY USEFUL INSTRUMENT

Unknown said...

HUGELY DISAPPOINTING Notebook was extremely useful and easy to use while browsing and saving notes in an organized way that I could access on any computer.

Please reconsider Google and bring back Notebook

somerandom said...

Sorry, but this is idiodicy Google... I don't see why you're doing this, and do not see Docs as a replacement.

Unknown said...

Agreed. Please keep notebook.. It was very handy to have a little reference window that you could dump notes into, without needing another firefox session open or dual monitors.

Please reconsider! Brink it back!

侯风 said...

If there is a reason that keeps me from switching to Chrome, it is Chrome has not a notebook extention.
Its a big pity that you cancelled this wonderful product. I believe that by doing so you betrayed your own idea to help people find and organize data efficiently.
Notebook is like a personal database which docs simple cannot replace. You don't understand how much trouble it makes for us heavy users.

At last I strongly recommend you provide extension for firefox 3.5.

Anyway thank you for once providing such a good product.

Bill Comer said...

please reconsider.

Liz P said...

In the expectation that Google will take no notice and that I might suddenly find that all my Notebooks have disappeared, I have been looking for a replacement. I found this website very helpful in terms of comments on similar systems that other people have tried:

I have decided to try "Evernote"and have imported nearly all my Google Notebooks. Some of them would not export due to that irritating tendency for even private Notebooks to be sometimes "flagged", what seems like randomly, for "violating Google policies".

That was the one down-side of Google Notebook, although you normally would not know that a Notebook had been flagged unless you had published it and then someone who tried to access it let you know that access had been blocked, with a nasty message about "violation of Google policies", which makes people think you are some sort of cyber-space criminal!

Anyway, it is worth having a look at the page linked above and Evernote is here:

I don't know if there is an equivalent Firefox or IE extension for Evernote or any of the other alternatives - if there isn't then with Google Notebook going I don't suppose it will be long before cleverer people than me start making Firefox add-ons for them :-)

Liz P said...

Just checked - there is a Firefox extension for Evernote, called Webclipper:

Blackturtle2 said...

I don't know why google doesn't service google note.
I want that google say a reason that exit this service to us.

Joe Ross said...

Dear FF 3.5 users,

I also use 3.5, but I find that the Notebook bookmarklet works just fine, allowing insertion of notes and tags. I still use Notebook for work-related notes, and just imported my personal notebooks into Evernote.

Just google "google notebooks bookmarklet"

Lakefront knits said...

Anyone found a decent substitute for the Google notebook? Since they're not updating it anymore, but Firefox continues its updates, it no longer works. It's that browser integration that made it so strong. Now it's just a simple web page....

Unknown said...

this is just ridiculous

DicasFashion said...

Please maintain Google NOTEBOOK. It is very nice !!!

Exploratrix said...

The funny thing is, I've been a big gApps user for years. Calendar and Docs especially. I only just discovered Notebook last week, by accident, and tookk to it immediately and have already started about 20 books to organise a whole host of notes I'd been keeping in my Drafts folder. Now I discover it was discontinued last year. Very strange indeed. Please give us due warning before switching off. I'll never forgive Yahoo for closing Yahoo photos on me and making me go through the bitter process of transferring them all manually to flickr before locking them away and telling me I only get them back if I become a paid user. Grrrr.

Rykel™ said...

Speaking of Yahoo! refusing to let us Yahoo! Photos users have our high resolution (ie. original) photos back, that was the last straw on the camel's back, and I knew then that Yahoo! will lose their marketshare forever.

TRUST is very, very important in the fast-paced economy of today. I believe Stephen Covey's son wrote a book called, "Trust at the Speed of Light" or something.


To be fair to Google, unlike Yahoo! Photos, they have NOT removed Google Notebook (except for the functionality of the Firefox extension) and they are merely refusing new sign-ups. Everything else about Google Notebook is still intact.

I would NOT write off Google at this time but do wish that they would at least, like what one user commented earlier, release Notebook as Open Source so that those who are interested, can continue developing it.

Overall, I believe we all feel that it is just a pity that Google would not be improving Notebook further. I do NOT know if Google management might reverse a decision they might have set in stone, but I sure wish they do - at least in the case of Google Notebook!

Thanks, Rykel

ATIX said...

Why is google giving up on it? I don't understand, i just can't live with out it since I constantly write down notes :(

Cosmia said...

Very sad to know that, I love it, in fact, I'm using it now. Compared with Google Docs, it's more easy. Just like OneNote and Word, both notebook and Google Docs are great! Why not continue supporting and accepting new sign-ups?

Tony said...

Notebook was, by far, the most useful of all Google products. Though I use Docs, Notebook, with its tree-form design, its drag-and-drop nature, and browser extension (Note this) was so much better for research.

Of course, it wasn't sexy and didn't directly challenge Microsoft, so let's kill it.

Tom said...

Wave looks like the obvious successor to Notebook. Will you be providing Notebook->Wave migration tools?

galfla said...

"Wave"? Anyone have a link for this "Wave" app.?

Unknown said...


It's by invite only and is currently an early development preview... so only select developers can help test it. You can sign up to get an invite here:

It will be opened to many more people (to test) in September. So, the sooner you add your name to the list, the more likely you'll be able to check it out early.

At the heart of it, though, is the technology. So, eventually, you may see more and more web applications either integrating with Wave, or being powered in part by Wave.

Theo Clark said...

Annoyed at just finding this out - but if wave can take over notebook functionality then I'll be appeased...

galfla said...


Many thanks for the Google Wave link. Impressive platform, sophisticated. I can't wait to try it out. If today users spend much time enabling features in applications, I hope with Wave we won't spend time disabling features to keep unallowed people from seeing what the allowed people are saying or doing. :D lol

Loopy_182 said...

I just signed up for google notebook, like the day before they shut it down! I'm SO happy that I did, though, since it's great! Why are they shutting it down? It makes no sense. I'm worried that my notes will be deleted... :(

Leady L said...


quwei said...

google notebook is very import for me. Why stop it?


Unknown said...

One big reason for me to use Google Notebook was the ability to access it from my work, where the web filtering system prevents access to Gmail, or Google Docs. Somehow notebook is not filtered. It would be great if there was a possibility to get access to Gmail or at least to some document's directories under my Google account bypassing the company filters. Currently, I use GmailLite to give me a gateway to gmail, but that's not so convenient.

Unknown said...

What a [adjective] article. I'm looking for a [noun] to help with a [noun], could you help? Please come visit my site [random spammy phrase and link] when you got time.


Rafi said...

It is really disappointing, Google Stopping It's development Work on the Notebook Project, while there is not an efficient replacement for the same from other google services.

ohthatdeb said...

Oh, what a terrible decision. google Notebook is the only thing online that does what it does -- the ease of organization outdoes any wiki site, and i can work from anywhere. Also I know that Google will never lose my data unlike SOME notebook apps (cough Zoho cough). Unless one can write a novel in Tasks, this is a major loss.

Seriously, you ditched Google Pages for the restricted and occasionally lame functionality of whatever product you bought out to run Google Sites, you're dumping this... you don't love me anymore, Google, I just know it.

Liz P said...

This is so true:

"Blogger Ridgely Gibbs said...

Oh, what a terrible decision. google Notebook is the only thing online that does what it does -- the ease of organization outdoes any wiki site, and i can work from anywhere. Also I know that Google will never lose my data unlike SOME notebook apps (cough Zoho cough). Unless one can write a novel in Tasks, this is a major loss.

Seriously, you ditched Google Pages for the restricted and occasionally lame functionality of whatever product you bought out to run Google Sites, you're dumping this... "

I could not agree more. Just look at the weedy Google Sites compared to the functionality Notebook! What on earth are they (the Google-boffins) thinking of??

Google Wave (see earlier posts) is impressive but it is missing the point to compare it to Notebook. There are real alternatives to Notebook (non-Google) but none as good.

This is such a stupid decision it has made me question the wisdom of relying on Google or any of the alternatives - as they could do the same, ie. ditch a blazing product rather than bother to think about how to promote it more effectively. Grrr!!

Kapali Viswanathan said...

- How can I export all notebooks on google notebook using a single button click?

- What is the best format to export into such that the exported notebook can be used with other notebook products?

galfla said...


--Go to

--click on "Tools"
--click on the 2 "Export..." menu items

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Tantantara said...

If you used google Notebook for web clippings, bookmarks and notes, try Zotero as a replacement, if you use Firefox. Like notebook it stays open at the bottom of your browser screen, so you don't have to switch panes, it can take screen images, save content and links, make notes, tag, and export references. Powerful research and referencing tool & it's free!
" Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself. "

Unknown said...

I am willing to pay to have Google Notebook back.

Does this tell you how much I liked this app?

Unknown said...

I am willing to pay to have Google Notebook back.

Does this tell you how much I liked this app?

Fernweher said...

Look at this Google, people are still commenting on a single blog entry EIGHT MONTHS after the fact:
i LOVE Google Notebook and I'm still using it almost a year after you stopped development on it. I organize news and science articles, it's really helpful with my work. The fact that I can create clippings from other pages is a very useful part that is unmet by other apps at this point. I use Google Notebook for collections of news articles, science information, heath tips, recipes, gardening tips, and even wishlists for shopping online. Basically any webpage that has useful info I might want to reread gets added to notebook and is searchable again. it's a lovely and irreplacable product!!

Unknown said...

This one HURTS!! - I was looking thru the list of Giggles Apps and didnt see NoteBook!! - ARRRRrrrrghhHHH!! - This is (was) a great app!!

Franimal said...

i love the google notebook extension for firefox and depended on it tremendously!

Jess said...

Tried to survive without upgrading firefox (needed notebook that much), such a shame, one of my favourite google apps, bring it back!!

David358 said...

Google notebook is a great and wonderful tool for me. I wish Google can change their mind and continue to support this service in the future.

Unknown said...

Too bad, while some of its functionality may be in other google product like docs, I think it is still the best product for what it does for me: in between tasks and emails, a way of keeping notes in a simple and orderly fashion. I wish it was further developed and counting 1308 comments, I am not alone in this. Make it a paid service otherwise or make it open source?

Unknown said...

Stop Crying!!! - Evernote is Da BOMB!!! (Better than Notebook) and Zoho Notebook is a duplicate!!!

Alex said...

Ok so I just recently started using notebooks and found them really functional, a great tool, and now kapoush!! Bring back Notebooks!!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't let notebook die! Its a wonderfull tool

- said...

There is an unofficial add-on for Firefox 3.5 and Google Notebook. I have installed it and it works great.

Sorry but I did not keep the link where I found it. But you may perform a Google Search for it, that's how I found it.

Google Notebook is really great, I 've tried similar products but I it remains the best (Zotero comes second for me, if you are looking for an alternative).

sad said...

I'm really frustrated with the end of notebook.

Now, using Firefox 3.5, the lack of an extension to create new notes extinguish any hope to continue using it.

This kind of product discontinuity is our "always present" fear about on-line services

Unknown said...

Such a disappointment. Of all the Google apps this was my favorite. Just got a PDA & was going to begin transferring notes from mobile to pc.

The other apps you recommend using (bookmarks & docs) are inferior to the competition (aside for a couple of aspects such as live colaboration.)

In my my mind, Google has stopped development of their best product. Guess I'll check out Zoho.

David said...

Well, this sucks.

I still use Notebook but it feels so outdated... It also sucks that there's no Opera support.

I'm not leaving though.

Unknown said...

Once Again - Evernote is the BOMB!! - If you liked Notebook - YOU'LL LOVE EVERNOTE!!!! Its Better!! - Zoho Notebook duplicates Notebook 100% (Even the Webmarklet Browser Add-On) - Just had to pass it on - I got the Evernote tip from a post here.

Unknown said...

Any ways it was an unexciting product!!! I wud still go wid delicious..though I can still access notebook!!!

Unknown said...

please keep it or give it away to a group of talented students. there is nothing better in the web and if you imagine some make up allowing notes to be share by twitter, facebook email -awesome. it's also great for prof teams working on common projects . Please Google

Unknown said...

Please reconsider. I've been using Evernote instead: it's good, but its web version is slow and ugly compared to Google Notebook.

Unknown said...

I find all the suggested services to be inadequate since I used Google Notebook as an actual, you know, NOTEBOOK. Google Docs is suggested for taking down quick notes, but Google Notebook is better suited for taking and organizing notes in my opinion. I keep notes on ideas for artwork/comics. Creation and organization is easy, Google Docs is not oriented the same way.

Calydon said...

Please bring notebook development back online!

Unknown said...

Once Again - Evernote is the BOMB!! - If you liked Notebook - YOU'LL LOVE EVERNOTE!!!! Its Better!! - Zoho Notebook duplicates Notebook 100% (Even the Webmarklet Browser Add-On) - Just had to pass it on - I got the Evernote tip from a post here.

To Brian: Sometimes the Evernote web app can be slow (never bothered me) but I have the desktop app AND the web bookmarketlet for Evernote - Also You can instantly update the desktop app and let it autosync to the web - both Zoho Notebook and Evernote have web-bookmarklet apps you can add to browsers. - Zoho is a 100% Notebook duplicate but I like and use Evernote even MORE than I used Notebook. I can capture web pages, web links, screenshots and more. Evernote is Da BOMB!!

Rod T said...

Please reconsider and make this an active product again.

I have yet to find an easier tool for collecting data as I surf the web, especially in Firefox with the "Note This" tab.

Adam The Geek said...

I just can't stop myself from using Google Notebook - nothing else has the same sort of well categorised, easy to use web interface.
So long as it keeps running, I'll keep using it but it's a shame it won't allow new users, even if it's not going to continue to be developed. At least it's still stable!

MonH said...

Google notebook is one of my favorite Google apps. Did not even realize this had happened until I found the browser extension is no longer supported in the new Firefox.

Will have to find another solution. The clip to notebook features was literally one of the best features in my browser / Google suite of tools. Greatly disappointed.

reen said...

I thing Grade Genie is a good alternative – Share your class notes and easily edit them so that everyone has the same study guide. Includes contests to win prizes for using the service. My Blog : earn money chao!

Unknown said...

i`m crying...
It is one of the mostly powerfull tool to collect info from web.

Max said...


galfla said...

I tried the Zotero addon to Firefox 3.5: I have not used it seriously, but I like what I see so far. I liked the fact that I don't have to register in some website.

I did not like Zoho, nor Evernote, because they ask for registration process . . . why? . . . I don't know . . . I guess I'm spooked . . . very very scared---after all, I am not the owner of their servers . . .. Who should look after my data best? Remember what happened with the legendary Notebook application when its owners took it away? :)

/me caresses wistfully his trusty hard disk drive . . . of which he is the sole owner and master. :)

Landis said...

I just was inticed to upgrade Firefox to 3.5 and now My Google Notebook extention does not work.

Update the EXTENSION. Google is really loosing cred over this one. It was/is a good working system, but when it gets thrown out it makes one question using any Google AP. am sorry but bookmarks, docs and "tasks in gmail" just doo

IceKat said...

This sux. I love Google Notebook which is simpler and faster to load than Google Docs. All my txt files are in notebook and I'm nostalgic for it. I'm sad to see it go as Google Docs doesn't really compare for speed and ease of use even though it's a great backup service.

MonH said...

In this thread is a link to a 3rdparty updated extension for Notebook. I added it yesterday to 3.5 FF and it works great.

Hopefully, the powers that be see this thread and re-open support for Notebook. There really isn't another app like it. I love Google Docs too but for entirely different reasons. In Notebook I have brainstorming and research folders for different projects (blogs, partnerships etc), some shared some not, I have folders for clipping quotes, recipes, and personal stuff which I love and could not possibly duplicate in Docs.

I will continue to use Notebook as long as possible. It's that good as it is now.

gill_za said...

Will try zotero and zoho and evernote but I have a feeling that none of them will be as good as gnotebook was

Pól said...



Notebook is so simple and yet so flexible. We all LOVE this app. A lightweight tool that does just what we need it to. I liked the fact that I could take notes wherever I am and it's all immediately recorded centrally. So my phone, Work mac & PC, home MAC and PC's all access whatever little snippet it occurs to me to note down. Poems, ideas, shoppinglists. Whatever! ALL other tools are cumbersome by comparison. Such a shortsighted desision from Big-G. why strangle such a fundamentally excellent app when it's so popular and and well loved by it's users?
Another mystifying and autocratic act (like the igoogle sidebar) flying in the face of user demand.
Give it adsense, give it subscription, give it support... Just don't give it up!

Michael Shubeck said...

Violation of trust. Google has always been pretty shady keeping everything in beta. Discontinuing products midstream doesn't add to my confidence level in the leadership.

I'm considering pulling my stock.

Meaning of friends said...

well i had been using Google notebook, thanks for not termination the service. its OK if there is no further development as its still provide more than satisfaction

David Vernon said...

Please at least incorporate Notebook's functionality into Docs via a Notebook item type for dated note taking and organization

to make Docs a more comprehensive suite by leveraging at least Notebook's current capabilities,

allowing Notebook users to copy their notebooks to Docs as notebooks (e.g., via exporting and/or importing from Notebook to Docs).

Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

No! This is terrible! I use notebook for all kinds of things that I want to find again but don't want to clutter up my bookmarks with. Sorry, but the other apps just don't do the same job.

Unknown said...

Hi google team,
I'm very sad for this fact, but still I understand.
I wonder, if there is a plan to make some kind of similar app in google docs? kink of MS One Note or something similar?
That would be amazing.
Keep it up guys, very nice work at google.

Juan Camilo

Clair Barrus said...

Another vote -- keep it up and running -- especially the browser plugin. It was an awesome app!

gill_za said...

Google has so many other projects that could be killed since they only target a small group of people, but killing notebook was a very dumb move in my opinion. Oh well I still use notebook, notebook plugin too, but soon with another major revision of firefox this might end.. ehh well..

Shalandra Sharma said...

Yup, the plugin is not supported by the latest version of firefox.

It was really very useful to have that.

Oh well! Why do all good things come to an end? :)

FedeGhigo said...

I've just subscribed the service thinking it was perfect for me......5 mins later I read this, pls go on supporting it!

ben_Gaari said...

combine NOTEBOOK with DOCS

notebook has to be an entry level of text editing - temporary store of web clips with ability to edit HTML

ben_Gaari said...

make an appropriate extension of DOCS for Firefox 3.5 and it will compensate a lost of NOTEBOOK extension

it will be a KILLER APP

so go ahead - make extensions for other Google products

Anders said...

Google: restart notebook development!!

This tool is very useful, dont let it wither away..

evernote is too cluttered, zotero is great for referencing, but not so great for note taking.

1010 said...

I recently upgraded my Firefox to ver 3 and lost my sweet extension for notebook :o(

Tell you what, go ahead and hire me and I'll keep it going for ya! That's how much I miss and still love Google notebook.

jeremy young said...

NOOOOOOOOOO, Google Don't Do This I Love Notebook and Use it every day,

Landon Boyd said...

Google, why have you forsaken us?

This was an elegant little app that did its job perfectly. I can't see the logic of dropping it.

Now, without an up-to-date firefox extension, I'll have to find another solution and none of the current Google apps are going to cut it.

I hope you'll reconsider! said...

Disappointing. Is there a similar service? I upgraded mozilla and it was not compatible with browser extension. How can I reinstall it?


Every time i log off from notebook, the page comes up which says, recently we have stopped development of notebook................nd u know what, it sends a shudder through me. I want to run away from those lines and that page. I really wonder what will i do, when google informs me, that they are taking everything away from their servers with the request to save everything on to the local computer.

Brad Sjue said...

Again please reconsider. This is a wonderful app.

Luciano Fabian said...

Release it to the community for further development, I think it's a valuable product.

gill_za said...

There is a way to use notebook plug in with firefox 3.5 still. Search through the pages. But what is there will be a major revision in firefox someday and this "hack" will not work anymore? Notebook page is clumsy, I loved it for that wonderful plugin. Google is the new Microsoft.

gill_za said...

I am afraid though that google will never reconsider, there is just not too many of those who used the service. Since google is all about money like every other big corp, it is just not practical for them to support gnotebook.

Yogi said...

Notebook is by far the most useful Google application I have used. Turning down development is just not right. Guys, consider making it opensource.

This probably needs some media attention.

jlm said...

A real pitty. I spent time "google converting" family, friends and collegues on how to manage information using Google tools. Notes is a corner-stone in this approach. I was also expecting the bookmarks' to be improved (sharing), this would have wrapped up the job! No bad feelings ;-) , just making a point like thousands that even if a product "doesn't perform" well, it's worthwhile keeping in the forge. These is also one of the reasons I went away from MS suites of sw and etc... etc...
We need collaborative/groupware tools to match everything, from office needs to marketing tools. Google is a must, notes too. Try re-thinking how to fit into some new features (may a real add-on to docs, why not?).

Many thanks to Google, great ideas. Dreams become reality.

Google, Linux, Firefox
Reliable triology

jlm said...

just forgot... there is a way for those who "lost" (firefox version change, re-install, ...) to retrieve the Google Notebook extension for Firefox. But I wonder if I should put it here, might just work for only a little time 'til Google's Gmen find it :-)
If you badly need it, sent me a message on and take the pledge in your message (a png of your yakusaed finger!) not to reveal the secret ;-)
No harm!

Unknown said...


Google isn't looking to "stop" people from using Google Notebook. They just pulled the developers from the project to work on higher priority stuff. If you (and others) can find workarounds, I'm sure they'd be happy that you share it... then you're doing the work and not their engineers.

On a side note, Google Bookmarks have already moved to Google Docs (for now, only in Chrome)... so, it is one step away from allowing bookmarks to be shared.

Now if only they'd release a notebook-like plugin to work with Google Docs with the same speed and ease-of-use of Google Notebook.

jones said...

Even after the passage of months, and even after trying other options, I STILL use and love notebook and really miss the "add to Google notebook" link that was in my browser. Just wanted to let you know, in case you ever consider bringing it back (fingers crossed).

jlm said...

Don't misunderstand me, what Google offers is fine and plenty. It's just that pulling-out the Notebook from regular installtion (the trick to get it is to look into the local versions of Google, ie: the french version, and you can re-install, which you can't - off course- if you let yourself be brought to the standard US url).
Many of us explained why it's a pity to freeze Notebook, maybe I am going to mention something already written but here is my example: I bring people to use Google services using 2 major topics: marketing, groupware/workflow.
The Google suite enables to build simple and performing work-flows in a matter of "seconds". IE : a friend of mine asked how he could receive xray image files of patients and build files and put comments to be read with "privileges" by other professionals. Google Notes is the "selective comment bit", Docs is too heavy and not on "right click" while browsing. Why did I bookmarks? Because I can keep the URL of each image (patient's xray) into folders of bookmarks (using Bookamrks graphic managers and synchronizer to share with other doctors/professionals or to enable "my friend" to access from anywhere his Patients files.
Nothing revolutionary, but works beautiful with the Google suite (except bookmarks ... and now Notebooks).
Off course one could say that the docs (adding the Notes ergonomics) would do the job; I agree and therefore it would be nice to have the "porting" to docs performed asap.
I take the opportunity to thank the "Google bunch" for the great job they are doing.

Unknown said...

I find this whole blog extremely interesting, some very thought provoking material.


gill_za said...

Someone very close to me finally opened google account yesterday. To my surprise I was able to access notebooks from this new google account. Quick search for a fixed firefox plugin and here we have one more person who is going to be using google notebooks extensively :)

Gui Tondello said...

I had finally found a substitute to OneNote since I bought my Mac.
I was having my professional notes and clients database on Notebook. It was great to be able to access and modify it at home, at work or on the go. the extension was also great.

The only excuse for google to do such thing is if they're willing to add a OneNote-like or Notebook-like tool on GoogleDocs. This would be freaking awesome. OneNote is the best tool ever, too bad it doesn't work on my Mac. Parallels or CrossOver have plenty of limitations

Let`s unite and ask for Notebook capabilities in GoogleDocs!

Mike Sukraw said...

I use a lot of Google products since my company uses Google Apps. But I must say that Google Notebook is by far my favorite product. I use it to store notes on everything! I love the simplicity of it and the ease of access from my phone. I'm glad I can still use it but would love for others to be able to utilize it as well.

Jurhill said...

I know this will go nowhere but....
Bring back support for Google Notebooks! This was one of the best tools for the internet!

Jurhill said...

Secondly, why don't you charge for premium membership like evernote? I hate to leave notebook but I think we are being forced out of a great product.

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Unknown said...

I used to use Evernote for my notes so I could have access to them on my iPhone and my desktop. But Google notebook is so much better. I use a iPhone app with it and the combination is exactly what I have been looking for ever since 2002 when I started using a smartphone.

i am glad you will let us to continue to use it, but there are so many other people who will miss out on this great tool.

Unknown said...

I have trying to move to Google Docs. Its not the same. Actually it lacks the FEEL we had (have) with notebook.

I will be a very unhappy camper if notebook goes away.

Unknown said...

I loved this post. Fabulous

Max Acai Boost

The Editor's Desk said...

Too bad! As a writer and editor Google Notebook was a lifeline to me. I could do all my research, stuff it into Notebook and haul it out later for examination. A good product thrown to the dogs. Guess I'm left with Evernote and Zoho Notebook -- both good products, but lacking the ease of use of Google Notebook.


Chris said...

I'm bit of a late comer, and this would explain why no one has a new Notebook add-on in Firefox, but it's really sad!

Even if it won't be updated, I'll continue to use it. It's a good program, and easier to access and post to than Docs. It is really handy for research, and I like having different folders for different projects. It flows well with my work.

I really hope that Google picks it back up someday and realizes what a great product Notebooks really is!

BHR said...

Since I installed Chrome 3.0 the google notebook bookmarklet is not working correctly. Anyone else having this problem?

Rohit Sachdeva said...

Alas! Good things indeed come to an end.

Unknown said...

Indeed, as others have noted, Google Notebook was touted as the successor to Google Bookmarks, and now Google says the opposite, that users should go back to using Google Bookmarks.

However, Google Bookmarks has seen no development for the last two years either, and when I visit what appears to be Google's "web products" page, I see neither Bookmarks nor Notebook. (I was wondering if possibly this page only showed products that I was not already using, but it appears to show all (other) products. In addition, I get the same result if I visit this page from another computer without logging in to any Google account.)

It looks to me like Bookmarks and Notebook are both dead.

Unknown said...

@Jerry Krinock,

Not exactly. Google Bookmarks is moving to Google Docs. At the moment, there is already Google Bookmark Sync for Google Chrome users. The bookmarks are synced to your Google Docs account. You can additionally access (and search) the bookmarks in Google Docs.

So, it stands to reason that eventually the same process will be used for future versions of Google Toolbar and Google Bookmarks.

So, this means Google Docs is (slowly) replacing both Google Bookmarks and Google Notebook. One would HOPE that they create a bookmark-like plug-in which allows one to easily and quickly capture information into a document within Google Docs and to be able to view all documents within a given folder as a "river of notes" so-to-speak. This will give everyone what they're looking for, I believe.

Unknown said...

I just re-discovered notebook. Such an excellent addition to Google Docs. So long as it will still be maintained, I plan to start using it! I hope that in time Google will bring it back.

That Guy! said...

Bring it back.

Anonymous said...

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Rohit Sachdeva said...

Alas! All good things come to an end. Google please, please listen to consumers and revive the Google Notebook.

Gabriel Hurley said...

For those looking for an alternative, you might try Ubernote. I haven't tried it myself, but it looks promising.

Gabby said...

Aww... I really LOVED Notebooks! Please, PLEASE do something about this google!

Anonymous said...

C'MON I loved this product. FF extension with the notebook was the best thing ever. Please re-consider, good marketing can make this product a great success.

Unknown said...

Honestly, after Google Maps this was the best innovation ever. I was able to save tons of articles of medicine in just one click of my sidebar.

At least replace the browser extension! Please!

Unknown said...

I really enjoy notebook..why not combine it with tasks? Man--this sucks!

Unknown said...

Is sad... i really like the atmosphere of google notebook for making my everyday notes!! is really cool

Mel said...

Just another vote for please bring back the notebook extension. Loved it!

Unknown said...

Hi, Presently using Firefox 3.5.2 which the browser advises me is the most upto date. Alas the browser plug-in refuses to work for me, irrespective of how I try to deploy it. So I'm just making do without it and using the url plus copy and paste.

I have to also put my disappointment into words over this whole episode. I was a bit of a late joiner to the Notebook thing, but it was *exactly* what I had been searching years, literally: Years! For, something that I could just select and dump what I wanted to remember into, everything else was either perpetually 'in development' - Yawn! Or the developers had run off to join a commune or something, such was the lack of attention to the products. I thought that EverNote was going somewhere, but have you seen their charging structure! Ridiculous!!

Meanwhile Google Notebook had it all, everything a constant note or detail freak would need, oh how I loved being able to right click and dump my choices for my later attention, or to research a topic and then have the information at hand instead of having to Alt+Tab to notepad every couple of seconds.

Come on Google, either get some kind of browser extension to extend the functionality of Google Docs to perform as Google Notebook used too, or resurrect the program. I fail to see how it can cost too much to allow a couple of programmers to code a tool everytime Mozilla updates their browser so that those of used to the functionality Notebook provides can continue to use it. Alternatively, sort the possibilities out for Docs so we may have the same level of integration there. Or better yet, pass whatever it is that's needed to Mozilla Firefox development team and have them integrate it into the browser? Who knows, they maybe interested, it's got to be an easier way to throw code around to each other hasn't it? When everyone's colluding with each other, they could use your product! ;)

Anyway, if you guys at Google bothered reading this far, thanks for letting me waffle on and get that lot off my cheast. Here's hoping you adopt some of the ideas mentioned.

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Kanoots said...

I like google notebook as well... so google please don't completely stop google notebook app.

Quincy said...

What is happening to Google?
I was quite happy "cloud computing" using mostly Google Apps.
Dropping Notebook is a major step backwards. How hard can it be for a huge company like Google to keep up support and development for such a useful app?

Will said...

What a bad surprise.
I remember about times when i expected for a google-new-feature-of-the-week... but... today,... after google-video; google-pages; google-notebook; google-talk-application... i see my self waiting for google's-next-no-longer-support!

Quite sad.

Buck Snyder said...

This is the only time I've felt like Google did the wrong thing.

Notebook, next to Gmail, was my most used Google extension. I hope you guys don't abandon useful...and keep service up.

candy mistakes said...

I'm really worried that something happened to my data in my notebook. It was working yesterday and right now it says "Unable to load user data." I will check again later but I'm not sure how to report the problem so I'm trying here.

candy mistakes said...

*Update* My notebook is working now, just made me realize since this was abandoned by google, to backup my important data in there. I exported to google docs and also saved an html, I would suggest other people do the same. It's really a shame...I use this more than any other google application.

Author said...

so sad that this great app must die!

The web clipping feature as a killer!!

Could yo maybe add web clipping to gmail notes?

Unknown said...

The suggestions that Google Doc and bookmarks are suitable replacements for Google Notebook don't hold up in practice. I've tried to get along without Notebook and it's just not the same. I've found myself going to great lengths to find & install the browser add-on on my new machines so I can continue to use Notebook.

Dear Google -- please reconsider this decision. I would LOVE to have Google Notebook back. There is no suitable replacement out there.


Eduardo Messuti Duran said...

At least leave it between your products list :(... its just ridiculous what you do!!!

SDP said...

I guess Google has decided to give up on competing against Microsoft Exchange and Outlook. Notebook was Google's missing (not marketed) componet to compete with Exchange Email, Calendar, Tasks, and of course Notes. Without Notebook, Google Apps has gone back to just being another Hotmail. So so sad!

Unknown said...

At least it's a good thing that Google Notebook is still around.

Grover said...

NOoooooooo. Please reconsider your decision to drop development of Notebook. I use this app EVERY DAY!

Unknown said...

I use notebook every day as well - only app I use every day other than gmail

Mogul said...

That was really a bad news.I think google must reconsider it's decision.

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Sri said...

greatly appreciate your consideration to maintain the older apps and its user base... google docs is very good but the ease and usage for writing small but useful and important info on the fly makes notebook the winner in the category!!
Please do continue to maintain the notebook service. Thanks a ton!

witty said...

I think this is the one product from google that i very like and always use it.

I very appreciate on this tool , althought i use microsoft technology. But this tool i think is very useful so pls pls pls dont' shut down this survice.

Thank you : )

oldCoekie said...

One last feature request for google notebook: can someone add the option to save a notebook as a All those disappointed notebook users will be happy again!

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DiabloLocoRojo said...

This is *the* app i use the most...
Can't be replaced with docs + bookmarks.
Why abandon it? It shouldn't take too much resources to maintain it at least.

Very sad...

L. Milne said...

I come back here periodically to see if this unwise decision has been revoked, or if Google has come up with a cool replacement for Notebook. Alas, neither has happened.

Note that when you have to cite four applications that might replace the functionality of one, and when furthermore those four in the aggregate don't do what this ONE did, your decision was probably not logical.

I agree with others that Notebook is an amazing tool, and that those who decided to kill it must not have known it.

Funkyjam said...

I am so late to this party, but am really disappointed. Notebook has come to be my second most used app next to gmail. I use it for storing anything and everything AND I love the notebook sharing. It's one of the closest ways I know to do simple, real-time collaboration on a text document.

I hope that the brains of notebook will be transplated into Wave and that is why notebook will no longer be supported.

I also turned so many people onto this product who found it to be a hidden gem. Perhaps Google should have marketed a bit more. Or perhaps they weren't making any money from it because it lacked contextual advertising.

Glad I can still use notebook and Google is keeping it on life support. I seem to just keep it open in another browser tab anyway - didn't need the browser plug-in.

Looking forward to seeing if there will be a reincarnation of this somewhere....

SA said...

I am so sad to hear this news. I love the notebook. The only Google document product which I can access from my old linux version. :((

jlm said...

I guess Google knows (by now) that we all love and need the Notebook application (had anyone doubts? :-) ).
Just in case someone misses it, we still can use the notebooks (the magic Right Click on drop downs) by disabling our favorite browser's security and compatibility check (by favorite I mean Firefox and its steroids transitional versions ;-) ). So play around with the "about:config" and the job is done (read this link - - look for - and you have the solution, even for those that use ms/windowzzzz). Now ... off course, that doesn't cover expected enhancements like bookmarks sharing (?) but better than to feel orphans. Will it be Chrome to fill the gaps... I can use both but I feel to stick to Firefox, to support the marvelous product they gave us and all their efforts. And if they come out with an alternative to Gnotes, I'll be happy for both and keep going awaiting each one's goodies. After all, we don't pay for it, I mean from a straight check in point of view !

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Unknown said...

Very sad to see this go. After looking for quite a while at note-taking apps for my iPod touch, gNotes was the winner. Only a few short weeks after we started using it, it shuts down. Looks like whatever changed broke the gNotes iPhone app even though we already had an account.

Also, interestingly, I'm suddenly keening aware of the other google products I'm using.

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jstitzinger said...

Sound like gNotes on the iPhone has posted a update (yet to be validated by Apple) that should fix the login problem.

opticsponge said...

please revive, nothing comes close to the ease and functionality of this tool.

Unknown said...

I'm quite saddened by the thought. Although I understand there are many Google services which offer Notebook's features in parts, namely Sites/Tasks/Bookmarks, but neither of them is really as integrated as Notebook. I mean, having everything under one link/URL/UI. That's what I'm hoping to look forward to.

Thanks for all the hard-work guys :)

yaoijonge said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yaoijonge said...

Petition - Not stop active development of Google Notebook

yaoijonge said...

I LOVE YOU, Google Notebook....


You BEST, then...

Zoho, Evernote, Ubernote, Diigo, Helipad,,, Mojonote, Notebook G,, SnapBits, Stixy, UberNote...

Google Notebook - YOU THE BEST!

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Unknown said...

Google note book is really very good sources for saving our data.i like to use it.

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